Large Spreadsheet with 7 Worksheets within, Large amount
of data in all worksheets, 6 out of the 7 worksheets work
fine. 7th sheet when sortting the sheet by selction the
cells or header name of the colume, sorts the sheet but
incorrectly sorts (misses large section of data) eg the
data being sorted is a number value generated by a bar
code. The cells are formatted as Numbers, the results
increase as the should ie. 11124, 11124, 11126, the misses
the next block of number in sequence and continues on
11178,11179,11180..... The missing number aapear futher
down the list. Does anyone have an Idea of what is
happening as I have removed and change the Whole sheats
formatting. The is no lings from the cells to any other
spreadsheets or documents.
Regards James.
of data in all worksheets, 6 out of the 7 worksheets work
fine. 7th sheet when sortting the sheet by selction the
cells or header name of the colume, sorts the sheet but
incorrectly sorts (misses large section of data) eg the
data being sorted is a number value generated by a bar
code. The cells are formatted as Numbers, the results
increase as the should ie. 11124, 11124, 11126, the misses
the next block of number in sequence and continues on
11178,11179,11180..... The missing number aapear futher
down the list. Does anyone have an Idea of what is
happening as I have removed and change the Whole sheats
formatting. The is no lings from the cells to any other
spreadsheets or documents.
Regards James.