Windows XP has a Slovak language setting (control panel) and so does XL 2007 (options).
Using those settings, I would think, should enable a proper sort order. Have you tried them?
Jim Cone
(Useful Excel downloads at
"semofan" <
[email protected]>
wrote in message
To Jim Cone: Yes, exactly like you said, I need this type of sort in my job.
I have to sort different surnames and our alphabet (Slovak language) looks
like this: A, a, Ã, á, B, b, C, c, ÄŒ, Ä, D, d... So I have to sort
alphabetically the names at first by the 1st character in word, then by the
2nd character in word, etc.
eg. after the sort it would be: Acam, Acom, AÄom, Adam, Ãcam, ÃÄam, Ãdam,
ÃÄam, Boris, Brian, Broke, BÅ™ian, BÅ™uno, Cecil, ÄŒerný, David, ...
VBA code can be used , but I need instructions.
Michal Semelak
„Jim Cone" napÃsal (napÃsala):