Just how good are these machines and the Alien support ?
Although the machines are pretty good, for the amount
of money they cost, you could save a LOT by building yourself
or buying elsewhere ....I have no idea where they get this
reputation of GOOD Support .... their support is absolutely
horrendous ....not just their phone tech support ... their email
support, and their website online support ....
I ordered one of their high powered machines this year ... it
came soon enough, and was more or less useless for almost
3 months. After several phone calls to their tech support, and
attempts to get it resolved by email (with no answers) .... I finally
got pissed and posted on their website about their useless tech
support, and pointed out how I had just bought a $3500.00 doorstop
from them .....that got some attention, and I received an email from
someone ... who called me within 2 minutes ... did a couple quick
tests, and said "your motherboard is dead, I will ship you another
overnight and arrange onsite tech to install it" ... sure enuf, the onsite
tech called the next day, made an appoint to come out the next day
for the install ..... then, nothing .... didnt hear from em for a week.
Finally tech showed up, installed the mobo (mildly wrong I might add,
but no biggie just no heatsink compound/or pad .. and power led not
connected) .... powered the system on, and one of the orig problems
I complained about, the black screen, constant beeping and flashing
a message
Warning, the Radeon 9800 power connector is not connected ....
which takes several power on/offs, sometimes open the case, disconnect,
reconnect, etc. before it goes away ..... eventually, I get it to boot up,
onsite tech says "looks okay" and leaves ....
After another month, I still cannot get my brand new Seagate SATA
harddrive to be recognized in the bios ...(and, I also have a almost
the same age Micron computer with the same motherboard, and it
recognizes the sata drive instantly so I know the prob isnt the harddrive)
Call tech support back, the guy tries a couple things, says "we need to
flash your bios" (system came with 1003) .... tells me what files to
download from where ... and tells me step by step what to do ...
after several attempts .... the flash still wouldnt go ....(system locked
up during every attempt) ... the tech says "I have to do some checking,
I promise I will call you back first thing tommorrow morning to continue
this issue" and hangs up ...
Two days later, no call back ... so I call their tech support again ....
this tech tells me, he has to check with the earlier tech who was working
this issue .... puts me on hold, comes back in a couple mins .. tells me
that the orig tech will absolutely, positively call me back in ONE hour ...
two weeks later ... still no call back ... so, after checking this newsgroup
for any tips daily on this motherboard I saw a post saying for bios flashes
that wont go through .. try downloading ASUS UPDATE and flashing with
that ... so I download it ... install bios 1007 with it ... flash takes
away .....system comes right up, and I am now off and running with the
SATA drive .....(with no apparent problems)
So, other than the occassional "Radeon power connector is disconnected"
message on the occassional reboot .... everything is working fine.
Prior to this pc, I had bought 3 Micron computers .. and their tech
support was MOST excellent ... too bad they sold the business.
Last time I checked the buyers website, they dont even sell AMD
based systems anymore.
Sorry for the long post ... but you asked!