Sort Columns On Export Using Word Object Model

  • Thread starter Thread starter mike
  • Start date Start date


Hi. I have some code that takes my Access data and creates
a table in a Word doc but I'm not sure how to sort the
columns programatically. Any suggestions would be great.
Here's my code:

Dim strTableTransfersOut As String
Dim objTableTransfersOut As Word.Table

strTableTransfersOut = "From Territory" & vbTab & "From
TM" & vbTab & "Account Number" & vbTab & "Account Name" &
vbTab & "To Territory" & vbTab & "To TM" & vbTab & "Date"
& vbCr

If Not recTransfersOut.EOF Then
Do While Not recTransfersOut.EOF
strTableTransfersOut = strTableTransfersOut &
recTransfersOut("FROMTerritory") & vbTab & recTransfersOut
("FROMTM") & vbTab & recTransfersOut("AccountNumber") &
vbTab & recTransfersOut("AccountName") & vbTab &
recTransfersOut("TOTerritory") & vbTab & recTransfersOut
("TOTM") & vbTab & recTransfersOut("EffectiveDate") & vbCr



End If

InsertTextAtBookmark "TransfersOut", strTableTransfersOut

Set objTableTransfersOut =

Format:=wdTableFormatGrid8, AutoFit:=True,

Set objTableTransfersOut = Nothing
afraid i don't have an answer for you, but i'm interested in trying your
code for myself. is part of the code missing?

strTableTransfersOut = "From Territory" & vbTab & "From
TM" & vbTab & "Account Number" & vbTab & "Account Name" &
vbTab & "To Territory" & vbTab & "To TM" & vbTab & "Date"
& vbCr

where is the system reading the values of "From Territory", "From TM", etc?
a recordset? would you mind posting the complete code so i can learn from
it? i'd really appreciate it.

and just as a thought: if you're using a recordset, could you use a query
or SQL statement as the source and sort the records there before beginning
the export?
You would do best to sort the data as you are openning the recordset. If
you are openning recTransferOut from a table, try creating a query that has
the proper ordering. You certainly don't want to sort it once you've got it
in a string or a Word table.

Show us how you open the recordset for more help.

