I've been reading, in various newsgroups, that Sort (and Restrict
also) don't work if you try and sort/restrict by ENTRYID. Does this
only apply to OLE methods, or also Extended MAPI equivalents? I'm
using SortTable() to request a sort by PR_ENTRY_ID, and I'm not
getting any error values, am I just getting lucky?
If it does work, and I'm okay sorting this way, my other question is
-- Is there anyway to access the Outlook/MAPI compare function?
CompareEntryIDs() only returns TRUE/FALSE. Or is the sort method
public knowledege, and therefor not going to change on me? The reason
I'm trying to figure it out is so that I can sort my own copy of an
ENTRYID list in the same manor Outlook sorts them, and then walk down
both lists knowing they are sorted in the same order...
If this doesn't sound like the correct approach, or no one knows the
answer to this. Can anyone tell me if it is safe to sort the array
returned by QueryRows, or would that have an adverse affect on
FreeProws()? If it is safe, I could always sort the Query results
myself, so I know the compare functions wouln't change.
also) don't work if you try and sort/restrict by ENTRYID. Does this
only apply to OLE methods, or also Extended MAPI equivalents? I'm
using SortTable() to request a sort by PR_ENTRY_ID, and I'm not
getting any error values, am I just getting lucky?
If it does work, and I'm okay sorting this way, my other question is
-- Is there anyway to access the Outlook/MAPI compare function?
CompareEntryIDs() only returns TRUE/FALSE. Or is the sort method
public knowledege, and therefor not going to change on me? The reason
I'm trying to figure it out is so that I can sort my own copy of an
ENTRYID list in the same manor Outlook sorts them, and then walk down
both lists knowing they are sorted in the same order...
If this doesn't sound like the correct approach, or no one knows the
answer to this. Can anyone tell me if it is safe to sort the array
returned by QueryRows, or would that have an adverse affect on
FreeProws()? If it is safe, I could always sort the Query results
myself, so I know the compare functions wouln't change.