Adam said:
The database shows the times staff have gone and come back from breaks. Every
day they login a new record is created and the break times updates as the day
goes by.
This specific report is an individual user one which shows the users times
for the current month. The report is split into weeks so at the bottom of
each week the user can see how much time they owe or are owed.
The date field is in date format and as the Sorting and Grouping has split
the data into weeks for me there seems no need to have an extra field for
The format or how the date appears on the screen is
irrelevant. The important thing is the **type** of the
You said that the dates are sorted descending, but then you
say you are grouping by week. Does that mean the weeks are
sorted ascending, but the dates in the week are descending.
If so, that's why I said you need a second entry in Sorting
and Grouping for the date field. Again, the sorting in the
query is not used in the report, so that will have no
If that's not what you mean, please provide more details
about what you do have in Sorting and Grouping and a short
example of what the report output looks like.