Sort by Date Function



I want to sort a list of employees birthdates but I only want to sort them by
month then date not year. When I do a sort function it will sort by the
year. Does anyone know how to have it sort the other way.


Insert a new column next to the actual birthdays - let's say they are in
column B, and you insert a new column C, and assume the dates commence in row
2. Use this formula in the new column C, row 2, then copy it down as needed,
then sort on the new column


However, that may generate birthdays in 2007 but earlier than today, so you
may want to use



Assume employee birthdates in column B
Create helper columns in C & D

In C2: =MONTH(B2)
In D2: =DAY(B2)
select both C2 & D2 copy down

Select column B,C, and D
Sort by column C, then Column D

Gord Dibben

Assuming dates are in column A.

In B1 enter =MONTH(A1) then double-click on fill handle of B1.

Sort on column B

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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