Sorry I'll miss you this year... :-(

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jan Il
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Jan Il

Hi all!

For those of you attending PPTLive 2004 here in sunny San Diego......

As you start your fabulous week full of the wondrous adventures of
PowerPoint, and the great fun of Rick Altman and his super group of
Presenters and staff, at my most favorite hotel in the world, the
Doubletree, I truly wish I could be there to enjoy it with you.

However, this week I will be relocating to the other coast, from San Diego
to Warrenton, VA, thus, I will not be able to attend the conference this

I just want to say hello to all my friends and PPT buds, and hope you have a
great time here at the conference. I hope to see you all next year when we
meet for PPTLive 2005!

Cheers to all!

Jan :)
Smiles were meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
Hi Jan -
We miss you already! Hope things are going well out there on the other

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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
Hey Jan Il,
Whatever happened to your presentation with the famous ghostship?
Love to see it.
Hi Kathy! :-)

Hi Jan -
We miss you already! Hope things are going well out there on the other

Thanks! I just hope Mother Nature will cooperate a while now and give me a
bit more time between 'canes to get my bearings. I'm going to need to learn
my way around the new roadways, and the high winds from the all hurryupcanes
keep blowing all my previous landmarks around!! Like the sign that says,
"ANTIQUE TABLES! Made Daily" Ha! And they said Virginia wasn't ready for
me! ;o))

You guys have a great time. I'm really gonna miss seeing eveyone again!
Have a cool one for me, eh?

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
Thanks Jan Il,
Awesome, I particulary like the lightning, it's very realistic.
I'm shivering down to my bones. Must be the mist that's getting to me.
Now, if you could add a touch of scary music that would make it complete.
Congratulations, you did a great job.
Thanks Jan Il,
Awesome, I particulary like the lightning, it's very realistic.
I'm shivering down to my bones. Must be the mist that's getting to me.
Now, if you could add a touch of scary music that would make it complete.
Congratulations, you did a great job.

Thank you! And you're welcome! I'm surprised you remembered it, as it's
been a long time since the Ghostship project was mentioned here. ;-)

I really did enjoy doing that project. It was fun to do something original,
and other than schematics and maint. training manuals. <g> Part of it was
done in CDGS11 Draw and PhotoPaint, and part in PowerPoint. Of course, all
the great animation was in PPT. ;o)) I'm not that up on the RAVE
program.... yet. :)

The whole idea of the scene is a confrontation between the Ghostship and the
storm, who are old enemies, and have done battle many times before. I would
truly like to put some music with it, that would be a new level of
experience for me with PPT, but, I haven't found music to put with it that
depicts the mood of the 'to the more time' encounter. Somehow
'Jaws' just doesn't seem to fit. <vbg>

That lightning part was a maximo doozie! For me anyway...I really stretched
me all over on that. ;-)) It still needs work, but, it was my first project
of this sort, and my first joint venture using both CorelDraw and PPT, and I
learned a ton of good stuff in both with it.

Now......onward and starboard..... (hmmm....where's my MaeWest?....) ;o))

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
Welcome to the East Coast Jan. I am originally from Northern V.A. but have
lived in Florida for many moons now. My neighbors and I had a meeting this
weekend and we decided we would decorate our hurricane shutters with
Christmas lights and just leave them up until Jan. 1st. Seems more
efficient that way. Haven't seen you in here for awhile and wondered what
happened to you.

Take care and good luck settling in.
Hey Mikey! ;-)

Thanks! I'm really thrilled and excited with the move. I expect to be
doing a lot of new things now with my PPT expertise (???), and perhaps my
creative writing again. I may turn some of my short stories into mini-PPT
animated cartoons and Sci-Fi's. I'm still working on Peter Pan and The
oyz - The Great Rally Adventure. ;o))

We here in this region of the Left Coast generally leave our Christmas
lights up all year round, especially the hanging icicle ones. Putting them
up is a major engineering feat and pain of the most royal kind, to get them
to hang looking anything like icicles, and not some gross, glowing mass
oozing off the roof. Thus, it is not something we care to do more than
once. 'Sides, they look really pretty on the nights we have the summer
Luau's, and for our mobile home park Oktoberfiests each August. Also, daddy
tends to have problems dealing with ladders, and mamma's decision to plant
barrel and flatface cactus all around the house to deter the feral rodents
(???) tends to make him less convinced that the lights should come down on
Jan. 2nd, and go back up on Mar. 31st. ;-)

I've been popping in here fairly regularly, checking on everyone and keeping
up with what's new and all, but, I haven't had a chance to do much new with
PPT of late. I've been working on developing some new Access databases,
mostly for SD Trolley, and I also spent 2 months this summer in the
beautiful Shenandoah Mts. and Valley area researching the history of my
Cherokee ancestors and their homeland. I fell in love with it and decided
to go 'home' to my roots. <G>

Ya'll will probably be seeing a lot more of me around here before long, I
have a feeling I'm going to be venturing in some new directions with PPT in
the very near future. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
Sounds good. I grew up in that valley and spent many summer days climbing
the mountains there. Have fun in your new digs.