Sorry guys.

Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
It is with regret I have decided to stop crunching for a while?
I will finish the work already assigned.
and go from there:rolleyes:
Hey no worries itsme.
Your a long term cruncher & you have done your bit for the team.
Good luck with what ever you decide.
You don't need to say "Sorry" Viv. You've done a great job with 6 million points and the number 4 position in the all time table.

Like the others have said Viv, there's no need to say sorry! :) You've made one heck of a contribution! :D
Hey, to have contributed is better than not having contributed.

I crunched with an average of 3 machines mostly 24/7 for nine years but I don't crunch anymore.
All the very best to you Viv, you crunched-up a storm and should feel very proud of your excellent and very impressive contribution. :bow::bow::bow: :thumb::thumb::thumb:
You've been an awesome cruncher for the team Viv :bow:

Relax and enjoy the rest :cheers: