Sonic Stage software won't work!!!!

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Anybody out there who can help?? I bought a Sony MD Walkman and from day one
I have been having problems with it. I can't seem to burn music onto the
discs without my computer stopping the program and then freezing up. I've
un-installed, downloaded 2.3 (and now 3.3) off the website, updated windows
and anything else I can think of and nothing is helping. Sony can't figure
it out (supposedly) so I'm stuck with this $130.00+ worthless walkman. My
warranty is up so I can't take it back.
Anybody help!!!
GiJane4God said:
Anybody out there who can help?? I bought a Sony MD Walkman and from day
I have been having problems with it. I can't seem to burn music onto the
discs without my computer stopping the program and then freezing up. I've
un-installed, downloaded 2.3 (and now 3.3) off the website, updated
and anything else I can think of and nothing is helping. Sony can't
it out (supposedly) so I'm stuck with this $130.00+ worthless walkman. My
warranty is up so I can't take it back.
Anybody help!!!

I can't help as I'm in something of the same situation but I think I can
shed a bit of light on the problem.

When I first bought my Network Walkman (NW-HD3) last year and installed
SonicStage (may its authors abide in Hell for all eternity) it worked. There
were occasional glitches but nothing serious. Towards the end of the year I
had to reformat my hard disk and reinstall WinXP (Home). After installing
all the updates and patches I started reinstalling my software. Eventually
it came to be SonicStage's turn. When I installed the program and tried to
run it, it either wouldn't run or, if it did, it crashed my computer and
rebooted it into safe mode. I also uninstalled, reinstalled, rolled back to
previous restore points, tried different versions, etc. All to no avail. The
only thing I can think of is that one or more of the Windows updates between
the original installation of SonicStage (when I first got the Walkman) and
the after-reformatting installations contain something that is incompatible
with SonicStage and chokes it. Just a hypothesis of course. It's a fact
however that the program used to work (before the HD reformatting) and now
it doesn't.

Fortunately I was able to load up my Walkman with my entire CD collection
using SonicStage when it worked. Since it no longer works, I can't add
anything new to it or change anything on it however.

Unfortunatley you are on a one way ticket to hell! I have been using
Sonicstage for over 2 years and have used the software in all it's
incarnations with the Sony NW-HD1, NW-HD3 and a Sony MZ-NH900 MD. Sonicstage
is without a doubt the most bug ridden and badly supported software on the
face of the planet, worse still, Sony actually know this. I had diaologue
with them for well over a year regarding countless issues, they have never
been able to resolve one single issue, in the end they basically start
ignoring you and hope you go away!

I have tried all the things you have done and lots more besides, complete
removal, hard drive formats, reinstalling windows, cleaning the registry etc.
You are wasting your time, I have had Sonicstage working and then for no
apparent reason it never works again. I ripped over a 1000 Cd's to
Sonicstage then one day, they all dissapeared and I had to spend 4 months re
ripping! Problem is, once you buy the hardware you are tied in to the
software and only Sony knows how long they are tied in for.

I have 3 pc's networked in my home, all with the same software and Operating
systems, yet i have had totally different issues with every single PC.
Currently (Fingers crossed) I have been using V3.3 on all PC's and it's
working fine. By far, the most stable enviroment seems to be when using
Windows XP Pro with SP2. Turn of all other software, especially Firewalls
and Virus programs when installing, also sonicstage hates running generally
with any other software open, especially Windows Media Player.

Unfortunatley it simply is a matter of luck wether Sonicstage works or not,
by the way Sony also won't support Sonicstage on any generic PC, it has to be
from a main manufacturer, that's the classic gem they use when you start to
embarrass them with too many questions that they cannot answer.

One last thing you might try, when you are copying files to your MD, try
doing a couple at a time rather than in a batch. My PC locked up virtually
everytime I tried to do large amounts. Also you don't say wether your MD is
Hi-MD or standard.