I have bought a custom built pc with this components:
case - sonata II 450W PSU
mobo - Asus m2n32-sli
cpu - AMD athlon 4200 dual core
I do not overclock.
There is one case fan on the rear 120mm, with a switch with 3 speed
The Asus supplied monitoring software (Probe II) shows:
Case open: MB 45 deg celcius, cpu 44 deg celsius, cpu fan speed 2670
rpm. chassis fan: no reading.
Like this, the noise level is bearable, and how I thought "Sonata"
with all that praise of low volume would behave.
When I close the case, the cpu fan speed goes to 5400rpm, and then the
machine sounds like a learjet.
Has somebody made similar experiences with this case and what did you
do? Just leave the case open?
Thanks for your ideas, opinions, etc,
case - sonata II 450W PSU
mobo - Asus m2n32-sli
cpu - AMD athlon 4200 dual core
I do not overclock.
There is one case fan on the rear 120mm, with a switch with 3 speed
The Asus supplied monitoring software (Probe II) shows:
Case open: MB 45 deg celcius, cpu 44 deg celsius, cpu fan speed 2670
rpm. chassis fan: no reading.
Like this, the noise level is bearable, and how I thought "Sonata"
with all that praise of low volume would behave.
When I close the case, the cpu fan speed goes to 5400rpm, and then the
machine sounds like a learjet.
Has somebody made similar experiences with this case and what did you
do? Just leave the case open?
Thanks for your ideas, opinions, etc,