Sam Yi
After I did "Compact and Repair Database" to my MDB, I found the reulst order
for query has been changed.
Script: SELECT a.* FROM tblFundPrices a WHERE a.FundNumber = 'V81A' AND
a.NAVDate <= #07/31/2009#
From some other post I know the "compact" operation will "reindex the
indexed fields, so if you have a corrupted index, this should fix it"
But I have no idea how does this work, also I am not sure my data in table
tblFundPrices has index problem.
The definition for table tblFundPrices:
Column DateTyoe
NAVData Date/Time
FundNumber Text
NAV Number
Dist Number
TNA Number
Basis Text
Primary key: NAVDate,FundNumber,Basis
Thanks in advance for any comment
for query has been changed.
Script: SELECT a.* FROM tblFundPrices a WHERE a.FundNumber = 'V81A' AND
a.NAVDate <= #07/31/2009#
From some other post I know the "compact" operation will "reindex the
indexed fields, so if you have a corrupted index, this should fix it"
But I have no idea how does this work, also I am not sure my data in table
tblFundPrices has index problem.
The definition for table tblFundPrices:
Column DateTyoe
NAVData Date/Time
FundNumber Text
NAV Number
Dist Number
TNA Number
Basis Text
Primary key: NAVDate,FundNumber,Basis
Thanks in advance for any comment