Bill R via AccessMonster.com
I am using the following line of code:
Set Rpt = Reports!rptDailyIPTMtg
to set the Report variable to a report that definitely exists. But the code
doesn't consistently find the report. I get runtime error 2451: "The report
name 'rptDailyIPTMtg' you entered is misspelled or refers to a report that
isn't open or doesn't exist".
I am trying to provide a "query-by-form" kind of solution to run a report in
3 different modes based on a static complete date entered in a popup form.
IPT is a "responsible party" (no, that doesn't refer to a party where no
alcohol is served).
In Case 1 all IPTs are included on 1 report. In Case 2 only 1 IPT is included
on the report. In Case 3 individual reports are printed for each IPT.
I got a good result for Case 1 the first couple of times I tested it, but now
I get this error msg.
The complete code follows:
Private Sub cmdRunRpts_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strIPTs As String
Dim rsIPTs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim Rpt As Report
Dim recDt As Date
Dim iRpt As Integer '1=All IPTs, 2=One IPT, 3=Each IPT
Dim i As Integer
If isRptOpen("rptDailyIPTMtg") Then DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptDailyIPTMtg"
Set Rpt = Reports!rptDailyIPTMtg
With Me
recDt = .txtDate
iRpt = .grpIPTRpt
End With
strSQL1 = "SELECT *" & vbCrLf
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & "FROM qryIPTRpt" & vbCrLf
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & "WHERE [Week-end Date]<=#" & recDt & "#"
Select Case iRpt
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL1 & vbCrLf & "ORDER BY Val([IPT_NO])"
Rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDailyIPTMtg", acViewNormal
Case 2
strSQL = strSQL1 & " AND Val([IPT_NO]) Like " & Me.cmbIPT & vbCrLf
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY Val([IPT_NO])"
Rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDailyIPTMtg", acViewNormal
Case 3
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsIPTs = db.OpenRecordset(strIPTs)
strIPTs = ""
With rsIPTs
For i = 1 To .RecordCount
strSQL = strSQL1 & " AND Val([IPT_NO]) Like " & .Fields("IPT")
& vbCrLf
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY Val([IPT_NO])"
Rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
Rpt.Controls("txtIPT") = .Fields("IPT")
Next i
End With
Set rsIPTs = Nothing
End Select
Set Rpt = Nothing
End Sub
Set Rpt = Reports!rptDailyIPTMtg
to set the Report variable to a report that definitely exists. But the code
doesn't consistently find the report. I get runtime error 2451: "The report
name 'rptDailyIPTMtg' you entered is misspelled or refers to a report that
isn't open or doesn't exist".
I am trying to provide a "query-by-form" kind of solution to run a report in
3 different modes based on a static complete date entered in a popup form.
IPT is a "responsible party" (no, that doesn't refer to a party where no
alcohol is served).
In Case 1 all IPTs are included on 1 report. In Case 2 only 1 IPT is included
on the report. In Case 3 individual reports are printed for each IPT.
I got a good result for Case 1 the first couple of times I tested it, but now
I get this error msg.
The complete code follows:
Private Sub cmdRunRpts_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strIPTs As String
Dim rsIPTs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim Rpt As Report
Dim recDt As Date
Dim iRpt As Integer '1=All IPTs, 2=One IPT, 3=Each IPT
Dim i As Integer
If isRptOpen("rptDailyIPTMtg") Then DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptDailyIPTMtg"
Set Rpt = Reports!rptDailyIPTMtg
With Me
recDt = .txtDate
iRpt = .grpIPTRpt
End With
strSQL1 = "SELECT *" & vbCrLf
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & "FROM qryIPTRpt" & vbCrLf
strSQL1 = strSQL1 & "WHERE [Week-end Date]<=#" & recDt & "#"
Select Case iRpt
Case 1
strSQL = strSQL1 & vbCrLf & "ORDER BY Val([IPT_NO])"
Rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDailyIPTMtg", acViewNormal
Case 2
strSQL = strSQL1 & " AND Val([IPT_NO]) Like " & Me.cmbIPT & vbCrLf
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY Val([IPT_NO])"
Rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDailyIPTMtg", acViewNormal
Case 3
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsIPTs = db.OpenRecordset(strIPTs)
strIPTs = ""
With rsIPTs
For i = 1 To .RecordCount
strSQL = strSQL1 & " AND Val([IPT_NO]) Like " & .Fields("IPT")
& vbCrLf
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY Val([IPT_NO])"
Rpt.RecordSource = strSQL
Rpt.Controls("txtIPT") = .Fields("IPT")
Next i
End With
Set rsIPTs = Nothing
End Select
Set Rpt = Nothing
End Sub