here some example code
( reusable class module i once wrote )
this one is showing msinfo and raises an event when it is closed
documented in dutch but it is pretty simple to understand and it shows what
i mean
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Threading
Namespace MPSoft
Public Class clsMsInfo
Private Function exeFile() As String
exeFile = String.Empty
' haal het pad naar MSINFO32.EXE uit het register
Dim key As RegistryKey
key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSInfo")
If key Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Registry key not found")
End If
exeFile = key.GetValue("Path", "").ToString()
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(exeFile) OrElse Not
My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(exeFile) Then
'blijkbaar hebben we geen registry access , of de
waardes aldaar zijn corrupt
'we hopen dus maar dat de environment variabelen dit
probleem voor ons oplossen
exeFile = "msinfo32.exe"
End If
End Try
End Function
Public Event MsInfoClosed()
''' <summary>
''' Starts the ms system info dialog and raises an event when closed
''' the prefered start method for this sub is asynchronous ( asynch
delegate )
''' </summary>
Public Sub StartMsInfo()
'start het process
Dim proc As Process = Process.Start(exeFile)
Thread.Sleep(2000) ' pauseer de thread zodat we zeker weten dat
de proces lijst is geupdated
Dim closed As Boolean 'wanneer true dan is de system
information dialog afgesloten
Do Until closed
Dim ref As Boolean
For Each proc In Process.GetProcesses 'loop door de proces
If proc.ProcessName.Trim = "HelpCtr" Then
ref = True 'gevonden dus weg hier en check opnieuw
Exit For
End If
ref = False
closed = Not ref
'laat weten dat de info dialog is afgesloten
RaiseEvent MsInfoClosed()
End Sub
Public Event MsinfoRapportCreated(ByVal ReportLocation As String)
''' <summary>
''' Maakt een MS info rapport van het gehele systeem
''' </summary>
''' <param name="outfile">file path voor rapport </param>
Public Sub MsInforapport(Optional ByVal outfile As String =
Dim proc As Process = Process.Start(exeFile, "/report " &
' wacht to het proces klaar is (dit kan even duren )
RaiseEvent MsinfoRapportCreated(outfile)
Catch ex As Exception
'doe niets
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Michel Posseth said:
You can do this by querying the process list
Michel Posseth [MCP]
Dustin Davis said:
I have an application that uses a TWAIN activex control. On one particular
scanner driver, I have the option to do a pre-scan. After doing the
pre-scan, my application receives focus again and looks like it is hanging
because the pre-scan window is still open waiting for me to accept the
scan. I can then simply click the prescan window in the taskbar to open
that window and accept the prescan.
I'm wondering if there is a way to look for a particular window that may
have been opened by an activex control and give it focus, or look for a
the name of an application in the taskbar and give it focus... I guess I
just need some sort of hack. Anyone have any ideas?