Something to read

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Y2K was pretty much of a bust. I work with a number of small non-profits.
Two of them, in adjoining offices, took different approaches: One of them
hired a consultant and replaced older machines and spent money specifically
aimed at this issue--and discussed that effort in fundraising letters. The
other, which I was working with at the time, simply put into place
vendor-supplied patches and applications. The only place where we decided
to tough it out was a voice-mail system which wanted $1500 for a software
rev. After Janary 1, 2000, the days of the week were wrong on the phones
until we figured out which year to set the system to in order to get that in
synch, and, I believe, stored voice messages may have been lost. We
discussed this in advance with staff, and it isn't clear whether or not any
were lost---nobody noticed any problem, anyway.

So--yeah, some people will probably be late for church, or maybe even miss
planes, etc. I doubt that the world will grind to a halt as a result.
Oh sure i feel the same way, I figured that read was worth passing on to let
people know to expect some things to happen around that time. OT - I live 200
yrds from the atlantic ocean on L.I. and walked out 8:00 am to find my van
encased in ice about a half inch thick. You couldn't even tell the van had
doors much less get in them, day off. Thanks Bill, enjoy your day.
Its amazing how resouceful the human race is when it comes to addressing
issues within our computer orientated world - life goes on and (CO2 emissions
accepted), will continue with the perpetual motivation we seem to have in our
genes to propogate and progress on planet Earth. So why should a minuscule
Y2K or DST issue sway us from from our day to day goals.? Which are ? Does
anyone know and where its leading us? Now I`m becoming philosophical.

Is that the ultimate existential question? Who's leading us, and where?
(I think this is somewhat beyond the scope of this newsgroup, and, indeed,
this kind of conversational medium--but I can't resist the bait.)

(and this was really a rhetorical post--I'm not going to continue the
discussion--interesting though it might be!
Wow--I had just a skin of ice on my car. I cleaned it off in the morning
thinking I might need to get out during the day, but didn't end up getting
out until after dinner to an evening meeting. Brand new car--never been
driven in snow before--it did all right. and my parking space was still
there when I got home even without putting a garbage can in it to claim it.

You are a true professional Bill and of course, quite right. The subject is
rather OT.

Actually Bill, I think it will lead us to a much more profound question:

What time is it? ;>)