Something like MailWasher Pro

  • Thread starter Thread starter Antoine
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Can anyone point me to a program that can do what MailWasher Pro can?

Dejan aka Belgr@deoholic
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ#: 179138447
More ways to contact me:
At the risk of looking/sounding quite stupid I hereby ask what this program
can do that OE (Outlook Express) can't.

It reads emails on the server without downloading them locally. That allows
you (through filters or not) to delete unwanted emails (spam, infected
attachments, call back emails, etc...) directly on the server before they
reach your environment. It does essentially the same things for free that
Mailwasher does for $.

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 17:54:57 +0000 (UTC), in alt.comp.freeware, the personage
of "Belgr@deoholic" <[email protected]>, courtesy of Message-id
and wondering whence the lambs & said:
Can anyone point me to a program that can do what MailWasher Pro can?


ePrompter <>

Free Email Retrieval and Notification Program

Delete Spam or Suspicious Mail Without Having to Launch Your Email Program

ePrompter automatically and simultaneously checks and retrieves your email
messages from up to sixteen password protected email accounts such as AOL,
Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink,, iName, Juno, Lycos,, Mindspring,
MSN, Netscape, POP3, OneBox, Rediffmail, SBC Yahoo, Switchboard, and
hundreds of other email domains.

ePrompter notifies you which accounts have new messages and how many new
messages you have in each account, once new messages have been retrieved.

ePrompter notification features include a unique rotating tray icon, the main
ePrompter screen, audio alerts for new messages, and a choice of five unique
screensavers that let you know at a glance the number of new messages in each
account. And with a simple click on the account of your choice, you can read,
delete or respond to any of your messages.

ePrompter gives you the ability to delete unwanted spam or suspicious looking
mail - the kind that might contain viruses - without having to launch your
email program or go to your web mail's site.

ePrompter also lets you compose and send original messages, as well as forward
or reply to your retrieved messages, again without having to launch your email
program. ePrompter also features an address book.

ePrompter is so easy to set up and use, you'll have it up and running in
minutes. One of our loyal ePrompter users, Sam McCord, put together this demo
that shows just how easy it is to set up and use ePrompter. (This may take
almost a minute to load, but you even get to hear Sam's voice!).

ePrompter checks and retrieves your Yahoo mail without you having to pay $29.95
per account to Yahoo for POP3 access or message forwarding.
At the risk of looking/sounding quite stupid I hereby ask what this program
can do that OE (Outlook Express) can't.

MIcrosoft programs have too many exploits, I would rather be safe.
Frank Delamarre said:
Dit you find the source file which one can use to make a new

For some reason, that is also buried pretty deep:

At this page:

You'll find:

"Last version of dictionary is always available at"

"While dictionary is a text file, and you can edit it even with notepad, I
recommend using special editor, available at"


Joe said:
For some reason, that is also buried pretty deep:

Thanks again. I wonder why they make certain things so hard to find
on that website.

Frank Delamarre
Dana 14 jun 2004, Peter Seiler napisa na alt.comp.freeware: i ostade
have a look at

and try "xTerminator" (free-/donationware). I use it as follow-up
instaed of MailWasher Pro and I'm very satisfied.

I tried that program, from my neighbourhood;-) ,but for some reason it
freezes my computer!:(

Dejan aka Belgr@deoholic
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ#: 179138447
More ways to contact me:
On 19 Jun 2004 13:02:41 GMT, in alt.comp.freeware, the personage of
"Belgr@deoholic" <[email protected]>, courtesy of Message-id
and wondering whence the lambs & piglets said:
Dana 14 jun 2004, Peter Seiler napisa na alt.comp.freeware: i ostade

I tried that program, from my neighbourhood;-) ,but for some reason it
freezes my computer!:(

Tried ePrompter (

- - - - - - -
ePrompter automatically and simultaneously checks and retrieves your email
messages from up to sixteen password protected email accounts such as AOL,
Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink,, iName, Juno, Lycos,, Mindspring,
MSN, Netscape, POP3, OneBox, Rediffmail, SBC Yahoo, Switchboard, and
hundreds of other email domains.
- - - - - - -