Something I though I would pass along...

  • Thread starter Thread starter kreepz86
  • Start date Start date


Since installing "deepfreeze", I have never felt more protected! This
is the answer to all spyware, viruses, worms and malware for me! I
wonder why it has never been mentioned here before. I looked up
"deepfreeze" in googles advanced group search and got maybe one or two
post about deepfreeze. My network teacher introduced me to this
program and how it works.

To show the programs effectiveness, he demonstrated how it protects
ones computer. First, he lowered his security settings, then went to a
few crack sites and accepted active x prompts and installed the
pacimedia and shopathomeselects spyware. Secondly, he turned off his
antivirus and spyware programs and ran some viruses and trojans on his
computer. Finally, for some extra fun, he had one of the students go
to the command prompt and delete everything possible in the windows
directory sub directories!

Imagine to our surprise when he restarted his computer and everything
was still in tact! His computer ran like a champ! No spyware,
infections or files missing or modified. Of course like with
everything good, there is always some bad! Such as the issues of
installing prog's, updating, deleting and creating files. However,
those seem so minute compared to the protection I get! I just reboot
the computer "thawed" and do my necessary modifications. Please excuse
my long post, I just felt that I should tell others about this program.
I am extremely secure with and thought others out there might want to
feel the same!
Since installing "deepfreeze", I have never felt more protected! This
is the answer to all spyware, viruses, worms and malware for me! I
wonder why it has never been mentioned here before. I looked up
"deepfreeze" in googles advanced group search and got maybe one or two
post about deepfreeze. My network teacher introduced me to this
program and how it works.

One or two hits in google eh? That's pretty disingenuous of you. My
normal google search gets 141,000 in .06 seconds.
Sounds more like your "network teacher" is a sales droid for Faronics
and is recruiting more sales droids.
To show the programs effectiveness, he demonstrated how it protects
ones computer.

Blah blah blah. Yup, I received a laptop with this "great" software on
it yesterday. Did a windows update on it, and now get to wait 5 hours
to use it as Deepfreeze has gone into maintenance mode and locked out
both the keyboard and mouse. How does this help me? Not much if I need
the computer to work.
Imagine to our surprise when he restarted his computer and everything
was still in tact! His computer ran like a champ! No spyware,
infections or files missing or modified. Of course like with
everything good, there is always some bad! Such as the issues of
installing prog's, updating, deleting and creating files. However,
those seem so minute compared to the protection I get! I just reboot
the computer "thawed" and do my necessary modifications.

There's a term used here for people like yourself. It's called a
shill. And what you are doing is shilling for your company.

I love your software so much, that it will be removed from the machine
it resides on.
It's a piece of s**t software that belongs in the Windows trash can.

kreepz86 said:
Since installing "deepfreeze", I have never felt more protected! This
is the answer to all spyware, viruses, worms and malware for me!

Unfortunately, it isn't the answer for others. Recovery schemes are
nothing new - there have been hardware, software, and combinations of
these available for a long time.
I wonder why it has never been mentioned here before.

Various schemes have indeed been mentioned here before. The main gripe
is that people will think it is a good substitute for other schemes that
aim at prevention rather than recovery. You really need both types to be
protected (and to protect other netizens from active spewware you may be
hosting before you reboot and recover).

I'm sure that most clued in people here already have a good backup and
recovery plan in addition to preventative measures.
kreepz86 said:
Since installing "deepfreeze", I have never felt more protected! This
is the answer to all spyware, viruses, worms and malware for me! I
wonder why it has never been mentioned here before. I looked up
"deepfreeze" in googles advanced group search and got maybe one or two
post about deepfreeze. My network teacher introduced me to this
program and how it works.

To show the programs effectiveness, he demonstrated how it protects
ones computer. First, he lowered his security settings, then went to a
few crack sites and accepted active x prompts and installed the
pacimedia and shopathomeselects spyware. Secondly, he turned off his
antivirus and spyware programs and ran some viruses and trojans on his
computer. Finally, for some extra fun, he had one of the students go
to the command prompt and delete everything possible in the windows
directory sub directories!

Imagine to our surprise when he restarted his computer and everything
was still in tact! His computer ran like a champ! No spyware,
infections or files missing or modified. Of course like with
everything good, there is always some bad! Such as the issues of
installing prog's, updating, deleting and creating files. However,
those seem so minute compared to the protection I get! I just reboot
the computer "thawed" and do my necessary modifications. Please excuse
my long post, I just felt that I should tell others about this program.
I am extremely secure with and thought others out there might want to
feel the same!

What's new about recovering from a disk or partition image? Or using a
virtual PC to let that one get screwed up? How old are GoBack and
RestoreIt? What prevents the user from saving an infected configuration
thinking it is okay so everytime they reboot they end up with an infected
configuration again? Nothing since the boob that relies on this kind of
software hasn't a clue whether or not the configuration saved is okay or
not. Same re-infection happens when users use System Restore, recover from
disk or partition images, or restore files from backups - because those were
infected, too, and the boob was too lazy, too stupid, or both to ensure a
clean configuration before saving it.

What your post really looks like is a lame attempt by a spammer who is
pretending to be a boob so they can proselytize a product.
easy tim! no need to get all huffed up over something so little. you
know what? at first i was gonna tell you where to go. then i thought
to myself, hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion. i can
respect that. however, what i would like to mention is, go to this

you will see how I got the results for my search and why i said that.
I entered "deepfreeze" in the "with all of the words" box and entered
"alt.comp.anti-virus" in the "Return only messages from the group" box
and that is what I got. obviously I did it wrong.

as far as it acting up on me like it did to you? well luckily, i
haven't had any problems with the version i have. sorry about your
luck. finally, i don't own or have anything to do with the the program
i mentioned. i don't appreciate shady and tacky advertising when it's
done to me so I that is something i wouldn't do to others! I just
thought since people are always asking what antivirus, antispyware,
firewall and anti malware programs they should get. i thought i would
give my opinion (just like you gave yours) on how this program worked
for me.
yeah ok whatever you say. it's just not worth it. the program worked
and works for me! that's all dude! relax!
kreepz86 said:
yeah ok whatever you say. it's just not worth it. the program worked
and works for me! that's all dude! relax!

I don't do requests. How I react to spammers is not under your control,
thankfully. Your post was not a "help" message in response to anyone's
question. It wasn't even a well-disguised spam pretending to ask for a
discussion on the various methods of disaster recovery. Out of the blue,
you post a spam message and then pretend it's our fault that you spam, the
typical counter-argument when there isn't a valid one. Does that argument
work with your spouse, too?
Vanguard (NPI) answered:
I don't do requests. How I react to spammers is not under your control,
thankfully. Your post was not a "help" message in response to anyone's
question. It wasn't even a well-disguised spam pretending to ask for a
discussion on the various methods of disaster recovery. Out of the blue,
you post a spam message and then pretend it's our fault that you spam, the
typical counter-argument when there isn't a valid one. Does that argument
work with your spouse, too?

He can't say. She put herself on the "do not call" list JUST because of
him. LOL!
ok, you caught me red handed dude. got to get up pretty early in the
morning to pull the wool over your eyes huh? wow! the sharpest tool
in the shed i would say!
wow and you too!? well, that was a good one! you're a pretty funny
guy! the life of the party i would bet.
wow and you too!? well, that was a good one! you're a pretty funny
guy! the life of the party i would bet.
wow and you too!? well, that was a good one! you're a pretty funny
guy! the life of the party i would bet.
kreepz86 said:
ok, you caught me red handed dude. got to get up pretty early in the
morning to pull the wool over your eyes huh? wow! the sharpest tool
in the shed i would say!

Thanks for the compliment. I feel so much better now that I've been
exalted by a spammer.

Thanks for the compliment. I feel so much better now that
I've been exalted by a spammer.


Hmm, s/he does make the resident village idiot look good, no?
(never mind)

and yes folks we have another funny man...
"Hmm, s/he does make the resident village idiot look good, no?
(never mind")
stop it dude! your are too much!
thank you mr. funny guy!
Ill take a second and point out that your post here is against the charter
of this group which prohibits spam messages. Specifically: " Unmarked
off-topic materials, advertising (SPAM), non-productive excessive posting,
cancel attacks, and abusive cross postings are prohibited. "

Please respect the group and its intended purpose.
