Something good


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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For all those who think there's nothing but bad in the world, here's a story that illustrates my assertion that the majority of human beanz are good human beanz.

Unusual, in that something good made the news.

The story: Man donates reward to victim

Agreed, it took some bad thing to go down to enable this goodness, but how many would do what this 22 year old guy done?

He's working as a waiter, not exactly rich.

I wish the fella nothing but good things and doff my cap to him :)
floppybootstomp said:
the majority of human beanz are good human beanz.

Couldn't agree more. :thumb:

Great story. You don't see that sort of thing very often. Deserves a write up in the paper. :nod:
It was so uplifting to read that. I totally agree with you, and hope a lot of good things will come that young man's way for showing such compassion and generosity. :nod:
What a star
That's an awful thing to happen, but he's a good guy for doing something like that :thumb:
we all have the potetial to do the same.

My hat off to the young fellow.

A real hero indeed:nod: he helped put some SCUM away for life, and I hope he is inside for life.:thumb:
Unfortunately he won't get life, the law sucks.

However, kudos the the young man who gave the money back. The world would be a better place with more people like that.