Laura has went on and on about my not allowing her to post my picture
and how she doesn't have my permission (which she certainly does not have)
to post my picture. What I find amusing is that she has a web page
dedicated to screen captures of me from my web cam. My web cam page
expressley denys and does NOT allow any screen captures of images from my
web cam or publishing them anywhere or linking to them; BUT! Laura did just
that and illegally I might add; because of my not giving permision.
I find it amusing that she can steal screen captures from my web cam
create a page dedicated to just pictures of me; BUT without my permission
(which she still does not and most likely never will have) she won't or
can't put my picture in the ACV gallery? Maybe she is afraid I will open up
my piggy bank and sue her? or is she afraid I will net cop her?
In any event I also find it humerous that for a lot of time she has
flamed me; but still wants my picture in her rouges gallery. Well she will
stand more of a chance getting the USA to release Sadam and find him not
guility then to get my permission
btw, even though she thinks I have her kill filed because of my not replying
I do still read her posts; because I like reading the rambelings of nuts it
gets my day started off with a good laugh; but replying to a nut is another
and how she doesn't have my permission (which she certainly does not have)
to post my picture. What I find amusing is that she has a web page
dedicated to screen captures of me from my web cam. My web cam page
expressley denys and does NOT allow any screen captures of images from my
web cam or publishing them anywhere or linking to them; BUT! Laura did just
that and illegally I might add; because of my not giving permision.
I find it amusing that she can steal screen captures from my web cam
create a page dedicated to just pictures of me; BUT without my permission
(which she still does not and most likely never will have) she won't or
can't put my picture in the ACV gallery? Maybe she is afraid I will open up
my piggy bank and sue her? or is she afraid I will net cop her?
In any event I also find it humerous that for a lot of time she has
flamed me; but still wants my picture in her rouges gallery. Well she will
stand more of a chance getting the USA to release Sadam and find him not
guility then to get my permission
btw, even though she thinks I have her kill filed because of my not replying
I do still read her posts; because I like reading the rambelings of nuts it
gets my day started off with a good laugh; but replying to a nut is another