someone in my area is using a wav. High impulse pitch sound

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Someone in my neighborhood is using some type of High-Frequency Pulsing sound
that is getting on my nerve and i believe only young people is hearing this
frequency. What type of sound is this and where can i get it?

Here's an article about how that damn sound annoy young people.
Well don't worry, in a year or two you won't hear it so it won't get on your
nerves anymore. Meanwhile, if you're sure it's there, ask the local Health
Authority to check it out. I'm sure they would have the equipment

Why would you want to get it if it's getting on your nerves? I would have
thought getting rid of it would be more appropriate... oh you might want to
get a hearing check at your PCP. It could be tinnitus:
but that, of course, is something only a trained physician can diagnose and