Heather said:
As a Canadian, I *think* I should take offence at your remarks.......but
on the other hand, they don't really make sense. Peter Jennings IS a
Canadian but took out US citizenship this year, while retaining his Cdn.
That will make it much easier for him when the two countries merge. said:
Btw.....did you know that the Brits whupped your butt in the War of 1812
near Niagara Falls, and chased you all back to Washington and burned
down part of your White House???
We didn't win *all* of the battles, but we are still here, and you are still
there, so to my way of thinking ~ we lost that war. We were trying to
capture Canada, and failed.
No, I didn't think you did. Seems
they don't teach you that.....grin.
They teach that in school, but if you are asleep you need one of those
tapes that plays the same thing over and over and over......
And according to an informed source (a history professor), the...
The things that they teach in school aren't always accurate, that's
one thing I've learned from school that has stood the test of time.
reason it is called the White House is because the US painted it white
to cover up our burn marks......now someone tell me if that one is true
or just another urban legend......
I see you already have the answer. I didn't know the answer to that
one, but I suspected that it was white previously due to the fact that
many many many homes down south (that's south to me) are white
to help them stay cool in summer. Most homes where I live were
treated wood or painted red (red and white were common paint
colors then), with steep roofs (snow builds up ya know, yeah, you
*do* know) and northern exposures had few or no windows. Now,
technology has made some of those features obsolete.