Some way to PRINT my weekly calendar in Sun -> Saturday format?



Having scanned over 45 pages of blog postings it seems I am not the only one
who is at my wits end over having no control to define when my "week" starts
and thus how Outlook prints five and seven day calendars.

I run Outlook pretty much autonomously using the connection to my POP mail
server instead of Exchange. When I go to the Mall and buy a calendar – it
starts the week on Sunday and ends it on Saturday. I can even buy
“specialty†calendars with different formats and time periods. I’ve made
appropriate “adjustments†to Outlook to VIEW my schedule the way I want, but
for some reason even when I specify a “start†and “stop†date – I get hard
copy output framed by a Monday to Sunday format – whether I want that or not.

Since not all companies, people or operations work on a Monday to Sunday
week, does it not make sense to be able to print ones schedule in what ever
segment you want and not based on your definition? Am I missing something
(that clearly hundreds of others smarter than me) have missed? Please advise.


Ancient_IT_ guy said:
Having scanned over 45 pages of blog postings it seems I am not the only
who is at my wits end over having no control to define when my "week"
and thus how Outlook prints five and seven day calendars.

Tools-Options-Preferences-Calendar Options. You can define on what day your
working week starts, and all sorts of other stuff. I'm VERY surprised that
you haven't found this.....

Roady [MVP]

Tools-> Options-> Calendar Options...-> First day of the week; Sunday
Set your Calendar on a week view and press File-> Print...


I did find that setting ... but it seems to only effect the formatting of the
screen version of the schedule. When I try to PRINT the schedule, even with
those settings adjusted, I keep getting a schedule that starts on Monday and
ends with Saturday/Sunday nested together on the last day of the week. This
is my frustration ... all the options that should effect the output don't
seem to do what one expects.


Ancient_IT_ guy said:
I did find that setting ... but it seems to only effect the formatting of
screen version of the schedule. When I try to PRINT the schedule, even
those settings adjusted, I keep getting a schedule that starts on Monday
ends with Saturday/Sunday nested together on the last day of the week.
is my frustration ... all the options that should effect the output don't
seem to do what one expects.

Strange. I have my Calendar starting on Sunday, and when I print, it starts
on Sunday!

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