Some pictures do not show



Hello Everyone

When I open sites even internal sites which have pictures, those pictures do
not show until I right click and then click "Show pictures".

Is there a way to make them download without right clicking and then "Show

Many thanks.


Jon Kennedy

First thing to check is to go to Tools...Internet Options, Advanced tab,
scroll down to the Multimedia section and make sure "Show pictures" is

Robert Aldwinckle

Thanks Jon

In my case the pictures do show but after I right click and then click "show
So, the "Show pictures" in the Advanced Properties of the
Internet Options must be ticked.

That does not follow unless you have verified that it *is* checked
in which case a more compelling argument would be that that is in fact
what you did or that is what you found when you tried to do it.

I have also looked at the following KB but
the situation is still the same:

Another possibility which that article doesn't mention is that some users' ISPs
apparently have a feature for saving bandwidth which provides degraded
versions of images as an alternative to just trying to compress them.
In that case there must some ISP provided software installed
which supports that feature and its UI (e.g. there is provision for showing
a full quality image by using either a right-click menu item or a keyboard shortcut, etc.)
and therefore it may be necessary to either reinstall that software or reinitialize it
to fix problems with such a feature. Check with your ISP if your symptoms
are due to such a feature and how to disable or repair it?

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


Thank you Robert

Of course I checked the Advanced Properties of the Internet Options to make
sure that "Show pictures" under "Multimedia" was checked. When I referred to
KB283807, I meant that I tried all the possibilities it suggested, including
the verification of whether "Show pictures" was ticked.

I shall tell you Robert that the issue does not seem to lie with the ISP
because the computer is at work and no-one is complaining about the pictures
except one computer.

Thanks again for you input.





Sean Cai [MSFT]

Hi Best,

Thank you for posting in the Microsoft newsgroup!

From your post, my understanding on this issue is: a few pictures do not
show up in IE. If I'm off base, please feel free to let me know.

First thanks to Jon R. Kennedy and Robert Aldwinckle for their key in.

Please do the following steps to narrow down this issue:

Step 1: Reset IE settings and disable third-party Internet Explorer
1. Start Internet Explorer. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2. Go to the center section, Temporary Internet Files, click on the Delete
Files and Delete Cookies button.
3. Click Settings button, and then click View objects and delete all the
4. Click the Security tab, click each item, and click Default Level.
5. Click General tab click Delete Flies, check the "Delete all offline
contents" box and click OK.
6. Click Privacy tab, change to slider bar to Medium
7. Click the Advanced tab, click Restore Defaults, and uncheck "Enable
third party browser extension (require restart)".
8. Click OK and restart the system.
If you are using IE7, you can reset IE by clicking Reset button in Internet
Options->Advanced tab.

Step 2: Test the issue under Safe Mode with Networking
1. Print or note these instructions before continuing. They will not be
available after you shut down the computer in step 3.
2. Click "Start", click "Shut Down", in the drop-down list, click
"Restart", and then click "OK".
3. When the computer is restarting, use the F8 key.
4. Use the arrow keys to select the "Safe Mode with Networking" option, and
then press "ENTER".

If the issue doesn't occur in the Safe Mode, let's continue to clean boot
for the issue to narrow down which application caused the issue.

Step 3: Clean boot
1. Click Start -> Run
2. Input msconfig and click OK.
3. Click Service Tab and check Hide all Microsoft Services and click
Disable All.
4. Click Startup Tab and click Disable All.
5. Click OK and reboot the computer and test again.

Please test this issue in the Clean Boot environment, if the issue
disappears in the Clean Boot environment, we can use a 50/50 approach to
quickly narrow down which entry is causing the issue.

Your issue is mostly likely caused by some third party software, please let
me know the result of the steps so that I can provide further diagnose.

Have a good day!

Sean Cai, MCSE2000
Microsoft Online Support

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.


Thanks Sean

I will update you soon after I'd apply you suggestion. The user is
currently on leave. Her laptop is with her.




Sean Cai [MSFT]

Hi Best,

That's ok. You can contact me anytime after you tested the issue. I'll be
glad to be assist.

Have a good day!

Sean Cai, MCSE2000
Microsoft Online Support

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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