Some personal thoughts about Pricelessware

  • Thread starter Thread starter R. L.
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R. L.

From time to time I hesitate to post my thoughts because I
am afriad that I might sound studpid. However,
recently, after reading some intensed discussions on the long
threads regarding Pricelessware and its "home", there are
thoughts I think wouldn't harm sharing. So here, I started a
new thread.

In the recent "vote" I had voted to get Pricelessware "stay".
However, the more I read the disscussions, the more I regret
my vote. The fact is, when I gave more thoughts about what is
Pricelessware, I realized that it in fact just represents a
group of best freeware got voted from the participants here
(not the participants themselves). In other words, it is a set
of results and a set of information. Hence, anyone can set up
a website to "report" them or simply report them from their
own website.

And then, when I think about it more, this may not be a bad
idea in a true sense if we really *love* freeware (I do). The
more sites that would voluntarily report the year nomination
results from here, the more we can promote freeware. Hence,
conducting the vote and putting it altgether should be one
thing, try to make a whole elaborate *web-site* out of it can
be another.

Say, if tomorrow I decided to dig into Google old posts and
put all the nomination results in my site, provide good search
facility to the users and link to all the authors page, who
would stop that? The results are open domain anyway (anyone
can check them out in the Google archieve). The fact is, if
more than one persons have the resoures to do so and are
willing to, they don't even need to work with each other to
have the benefit of promoting freeware.

When one look at it this way, having the results reported in
different sites, even in different formats can be good (and in
fact, not hurting but helping, for promoting true freeware -
letting more ordinary users to know about it because more
people are promoting it :-) ). In this sense, Susan of course
can get her files to another site and in the meantime have
other mirrors (e.g., if SOS or Genna also want to report the
results). It is good for getting more people to know about

Of course, it is good to have an "official site" as we speak,
but it is, in a sense, semi-illusionary, we are not one strict
collectives here and everyone knows that (although ideally, it
would be cool if we really are, this is such a nice group and
I like the people here).

Hence, "stay" or "move" are not the good words to use. In
fact, it doesn't matter anymore :) That is why, from a
freeware-lover point of view, I started to feel bad about my
"vote". It is in fact, not a bad idea to have,, or even
other sites that are devoted to featuring Pricelessware
nomination results.

Unofficial Adaware Updater:

Little (File) Backer Upper:
The fact is, when I gave more thoughts about what is
Pricelessware, I realized that it in fact just represents a
group of best freeware got voted from the participants here
(not the participants themselves). In other words, it is a set
of results and a set of information. Hence, anyone can set up
a website to "report" them or simply report them from their
own website.

I totally agree. I'd go further and say that this newsgroup's ethos
implicitly puts the information in the Public Domain. How about any new or
existing Pricelessware websites explicitly proclaim the information as
Public Domain?

Alternatively, any of the Creative Commons licences should do the trick.
Iain said:
I totally agree. I'd go further and say that this newsgroup's ethos
implicitly puts the information in the Public Domain. How about any
new or existing Pricelessware websites explicitly proclaim the
information as Public Domain?

Alternatively, any of the Creative Commons licences should do the

After this whole soap-opera finishes, why not start fresh with something
like: ACFware ?

Rod said:
After this whole soap-opera finishes, why not start fresh with something
like: ACFware ?

Yes, why not, start a vote? Just kidding, but the name sonds ok.
R. L. said:
Say, if tomorrow I decided to dig into Google old posts and
put all the nomination results in my site, provide good search
facility to the users and link to all the authors page, who
would stop that? The results are open domain anyway (anyone
can check them out in the Google archieve). The fact is, if
more than one persons have the resoures to do so and are
willing to, they don't even need to work with each other to
have the benefit of promoting freeware.

Yah, but. . . A lot of information has been assembled in the PL
database I created with your help and the help of others. That database
is available as a tab delimited file, CSV file etc. etc. etc. IOW if
someone has a project in mind - please post (or email me) - that might
save you some time. FYI - selected portions of the database can be
extracted - so some or all of the data you *don't* want can be excluded.
It is in fact, not a bad idea to have,, or even
other sites that are devoted to featuring Pricelessware
nomination results.

Hmmmm - if someone wanted to host a French, German, Dutch, Italian etc.
etc. language version of the PL pages ISTM there might be a way to do
that *moderately* easily - most of the PL updates are version and URL
changes - those changes could be coordinated for all language versions -
the initial translation of the database contents would be the hardest
part. . .

I totally agree. I'd go further and say that this
newsgroup's ethos implicitly puts the information in the
Public Domain. How about any new or existing Pricelessware
websites explicitly proclaim the information as Public

Alternatively, any of the Creative Commons licences should
do the trick.

Nice idea :)

Unofficial Adaware Updater:

Little (File) Backer Upper:

Uptime Quickie
Susan Bugher said:
Does anyone see any pitfalls?

If not I'm in favor of the idea.

I took at look at that site and to be honest, found it a little baffling so
just got rid of it :o\



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!
Steven said:
I took at look at that site and to be honest, found it a little baffling so
just got rid of it :o\

You are supposed to *volunteer* to give it a thorough review.

all those in favor or Steven volunteering. . . ;)

Yah, but. . . A lot of information has been assembled in
the PL database I created with your help and the help of
others. That database is available as a tab delimited file,
CSV file etc. etc. etc. IOW if someone has a project in
mind - please post (or email me) - that might save you some
time. FYI - selected portions of the database can be
extracted - so some or all of the data you *don't* want
can be excluded.

Although that is not exactly my point, but it is very nice of
you to offer. So anyone who might want to "report" the
results of the nomination in the future could have your help

(But of course, if they decide that they don't want any helps,
[perhaps just for the fun of it and try to be creative about
it], they are also free to do so :) )

Unofficial Adaware Updater:

Little (File) Backer Upper:

Uptime Quickie
R. L. said:
So anyone who might want to "report" the
results of the nomination in the future could have your help

If you mean after the results are final - yes.

or do you mean "report" while the voting is still open? If so. . .
I hope to have volunteer help for the ballot count. . .
The latest results could be posted on more than one site - that would
require some extra coordination. . .
(But of course, if they decide that they don't want any helps,
[perhaps just for the fun of it and try to be creative about
it], they are also free to do so :) )

Sure. I just wanted to point out that some shortcuts are available -
information gathering is a lot of work - as you well know. ;)
