Some of Win2K applications could not be open



Win 2000 professional is running on my computer. I can not
fix the following problem:

Some of the programs included in Win2000 do not work (eg.
Control panel, IE, Explorer, Recycle bin) and also I can
not access My Documents folder.

Could you, please suggest any solution for this.

Ray at

Your best bet is to [re]install the latest service pack and hope for the
best. If you can't start processes like explorer.exe or iexplore.exe,
something's messed up. Also be sure that you're running antivirus software
and it's up to date.

Ray at brother's house

R. Pedersen

I'm glad I'm not alone with this problem. Been looking
through this forum and it seems like a lot of people have
the same problem. No real concrete solutions have been
posted, though. One suggestion was to open Internet
Options and reset to defaults, but when IE doesn't launch,
there's no real way to do that.

Reinstalling the last SP is an interesting option. I will
definitely give that a try. My vendor has suggested a
system recovery if the windows repair with sfc /scannow
didn't work (which it didn't), but I don't want to lose
everything and start from scratch with all of my settings, etc.


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