Some issues with terminal printing

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First question

If I have an XP pro that does a terminal session on a Windows 2000 server, I have to install the Windows 2000 driver on the XP so the user can print. I don't think there is a way to install the XP driver on the Windows 2000 server. I know that the driver needs to be exactly the same on Windows 2000 server that uses terminal in Apps mode and the workstation. Is there another way to make an XP box print in terminal sessions on a Win2k server

Second question

I've called HP and they told me that any laserjet printer will work in terminal if I install the Microsoft terminal services driver before installing the printer driver. Not sure what they mean by that. I made some reasearches and did not find anything resembling this. Is there a list somewhere that I can consult to make sure that printers we are buying are 100% compatible? I found it hard to find that information. There is a lot of printers out there that are not compatible through terminal services

Third question

Is there a universal driver for terminal printing that I could use? I think that Citrix has this kind of driver

Thanks for your advice
Answers to all of those questions here:

other How-tos here:

Patrick Rouse
Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

----- Mike wrote: -----

First question;

If I have an XP pro that does a terminal session on a Windows 2000 server, I have to install the Windows 2000 driver on the XP so the user can print. I don't think there is a way to install the XP driver on the Windows 2000 server. I know that the driver needs to be exactly the same on Windows 2000 server that uses terminal in Apps mode and the workstation. Is there another way to make an XP box print in terminal sessions on a Win2k server?

Second question ;

I've called HP and they told me that any laserjet printer will work in terminal if I install the Microsoft terminal services driver before installing the printer driver. Not sure what they mean by that. I made some reasearches and did not find anything resembling this. Is there a list somewhere that I can consult to make sure that printers we are buying are 100% compatible? I found it hard to find that information. There is a lot of printers out there that are not compatible through terminal services.

Third question ;

Is there a universal driver for terminal printing that I could use? I think that Citrix has this kind of driver.

Thanks for your advice.