The Old Fart
I plugged a second hard drive which connects via USB into my PC with the
view of copying some files to the main drive. The first couple of files
transfered OK. When I tried to transfer some more files I got the
message that the drive was unformatted & I was asked if I wished to
format the drive. I'm confused. If the drive wasn't formatted how did I
manages to transfer any files? How do I get the remaining files
transferred? I'm not planning to format the drive before file transfer
in completed.
view of copying some files to the main drive. The first couple of files
transfered OK. When I tried to transfer some more files I got the
message that the drive was unformatted & I was asked if I wished to
format the drive. I'm confused. If the drive wasn't formatted how did I
manages to transfer any files? How do I get the remaining files
transferred? I'm not planning to format the drive before file transfer
in completed.