Johan Sandqvist
Accessing content created by my own account on the D: drive will show
all available folders and files. Oddly enough, when the same folders are
viewed through the D$ share some of the content is missing! (see
http://johan.mvps.org/share.png for a screen shot).
As can be seen in the screen shot image, not all content is shown when
browsing the folder through the share. The folder 'johan' and the first
text file were both created by writing directly to the D: drive
(ntbackup for the folder and the text file with right-click->new text
file). The second text file was created through the share. Obviously,
the security settings for the files are the same (since the same account
created them - but also verified just to be sure).
Everything is perfectly accessible from the share (if you e.g. type in
the correct path), it just doesn't show up in the explorer window.
System is a newly installed XP Pro SP2 with all available updates at WU.
I can't think of any reason why this would happen, I've heard other
people having similar problems, so what's happening here?
// Johan
Johan Sandqvist
Microsoft Exchange MVP
all available folders and files. Oddly enough, when the same folders are
viewed through the D$ share some of the content is missing! (see
http://johan.mvps.org/share.png for a screen shot).
As can be seen in the screen shot image, not all content is shown when
browsing the folder through the share. The folder 'johan' and the first
text file were both created by writing directly to the D: drive
(ntbackup for the folder and the text file with right-click->new text
file). The second text file was created through the share. Obviously,
the security settings for the files are the same (since the same account
created them - but also verified just to be sure).
Everything is perfectly accessible from the share (if you e.g. type in
the correct path), it just doesn't show up in the explorer window.
System is a newly installed XP Pro SP2 with all available updates at WU.
I can't think of any reason why this would happen, I've heard other
people having similar problems, so what's happening here?
// Johan
Johan Sandqvist
Microsoft Exchange MVP