On that special day said:
I was helping a friend locate solitaire games for Windows 3.1 and decided to
post the free ones I found that worked on any system

I have still some windows 3.1 card games on my hard disk, but no idea if
they are available somewhere on the net.
There is a "winsolii" (in fact a spider solitaire) from Steve Stancliff
in 1992. It has a bug that can be helpful. Get the leftmost column free
if possible, and maybe you can place there something that is *not* a
I also have a very unusual three poker decks game called "Rigas" (still
a solitaire) by an Austrian, Heinrich Rückeshäuser, which I found on a
computer magazine cover disk (maybe it wasn't freeware but linked to
this mag).
There are special cases, too, games that need the win32s expansion (a
precursory kernel enhancement to the Win9x versions). The most widely
known is the Microsoft Freecell.
And then there is something called Double Deck Solitaire, which has a
layout I haven't found elsewhere, and is hard to solve, yet interesting.
It is done by Cary Lockwood.
A "Three Shuffles and a Draw" (aka Midnight Oil) game was done by Chris
Gruel. It looks similar to its name (ie ugly), and was probably already
there for Windows 3.0, but it works.
Just as old (from 1992) is a "Winspider" by John A. Jounod, which
doesn't run perfectly in Win95 screens, because an accidental click on
the border might crash it. It does no harm to the OS, though.
Another game is "Ada Towers", that was written in the ADA language, and
is a Seahabven Towers, done by Dimensional Media Systems. It was perhaps
an ad for the "newest version", that would be purchased for five bucks.
I don't know if it came on a magazine disk, or where from.
The game called "Collapse" (an eliminator) was obtained from a mag CD,
and done by Minuet Inc., incorporated by Raymond A. Pompon (what a name)
in 1994.
Another game is the one trick pony game Pyramid, that still is 537 kb in
size (because of a card bitmap). It was done by Carlos Yu (Cysoft) in
1993, as an exercise in Borland C++.
Also, I have got yet another game that is supposed to be postcardware,
"Rangoon" (we Germans call it "the ranging station", others might call
it "Gaps"), from Rudy Muller. Good layout, can be done even with the
number keys.
And then there is the full 60 games Patience Pack by Maurice Abraham
(version 6.0 done in 1994), that should cover the needs of most
solitaire gamers.
Maybe some are still available on vintage servers. I hope so, as I don't
have a homepage to upload them to, and my internet connection is an
analog modem, while some of the games have a size of > 500 kb, as
mentione above.
Gabriele Neukam
(e-mail address removed)