Software Update problem

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I cannot get rid of the defender icon in my icon tray. It is there to advise
me that a software update is available. When I click the update button
nothing happens. I have visited microsoft and checked for windows updates. No
updates. I have checked the link for updates on the help button of defender.
No updates. Here are the version numbers I currently have. 1.1.1051.0
Defender Version, 1.1.1508.0 Engine Version, 1.14.1532,14 Signature Version
built on 7/19/06 at 3:30pm.
Also, the "windows defender website" link does not work on the tool button,
and my history, quaratined, and allowed files are all empty. Not sure if
there was ever anything in these files.
Install Windows Installer 3.1 v2 (3.1.4000.2435) is availªble here:
Version 1.1.1347.0 is out.
Users who normally select advanced Spynet membership should be aware that
the install process will set you back to basic membership, so it's a good
idea to revisit both the Spynet membership area of Tools, and the Options
area--to see what's different, and check that your old choices have been
I would also recommend: Download and save to the desktop. Close all open
IE windows, and any open Windows Defender UI window before running the
downloaded installer.

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.

Hi Lucas,

Glad to help and thankx for updating the threªd.
