I was wondering if anyone knows or could possibly point me to a web site
that develops software tools for vb.net that are written in csharp. I
have been all over the web trying to find such a thing, but have not
been very successful. I need to write a research paper for a college
course on such tools, but I can't even find such a thing though maybe I
am not just looking in the right place or phrasing my search parameters
correctly. In any case, I would really appreciate some help if someone
would not mind. Unfortunately, my instructor is not much help at all.
that develops software tools for vb.net that are written in csharp. I
have been all over the web trying to find such a thing, but have not
been very successful. I need to write a research paper for a college
course on such tools, but I can't even find such a thing though maybe I
am not just looking in the right place or phrasing my search parameters
correctly. In any case, I would really appreciate some help if someone
would not mind. Unfortunately, my instructor is not much help at all.