Everytime I use IE to surf practically any web site, I am
dragged down by popups that not only take up my time to
close, but also slow down many of my computer's functions.
I am endlessly bombarded with so much flashy commerce that
I am almost compelled to purchase the VXC1 VoyeurPro just
to get this to stop. I was wondering if there is some sort
of patch I can download to correct this because it is
imparing my ability to be an active web user. Mozilla does
not do this. Please help.
dragged down by popups that not only take up my time to
close, but also slow down many of my computer's functions.
I am endlessly bombarded with so much flashy commerce that
I am almost compelled to purchase the VXC1 VoyeurPro just
to get this to stop. I was wondering if there is some sort
of patch I can download to correct this because it is
imparing my ability to be an active web user. Mozilla does
not do this. Please help.