Software Engineering...


Doug Holland

Does anyone else get frustrated by the fact that most
software developed today is built by someone who
(equivelent to building a house), shows up with a truck
full of wood and a nail gun, ... thump thump thump ...
starts building it with no previous thoughts to design or
software engineering best practices.

If anyone knows of any companies developing C# and .NET
who are using UML and Design Patterns let me know.

William Ryan

Amen brother:

As a matter of fact, I'm not sure where you are, but I have some friends at
a company . They are Design Pattern nuts over there and
churn out some great stuff.

Chris R. Timmons

Does anyone else get frustrated by the fact that most
software developed today is built by someone who
(equivelent to building a house), shows up with a truck
full of wood and a nail gun, ... thump thump thump ...
starts building it with no previous thoughts to design or
software engineering best practices.


You're not alone. I'm just starting a project for a client who are
on their third attempt to build an app.

The first person(*) (an employee) threw together a couple of forms
and then left for greener pastures, w/o leaving any documentation or
source code(!).

The second person(*) (an outside consultant) also built a couple of
forms, then got frustrated and withdrew from the project. He
apparently has a conscience in that he told the client there would be
no charge for the partially completed work. Like the first guy, he
left behind no source code or documentation.

( (*) I refuse to call these people "developers" because they simply
didn't develop anything.)

Then the desperate client calls me. This is the third time *this
year* I've faced a "clean up someone else's mess" scenario (all w/
different clients).

I obviously feel sorry the clients. It's our responsibility to know
our own capabilities as software development professionals, and to
inform the client if we're not able to provide the services they

I also feel a combination of pity and anger towards the people who
cause these wrecks. Anger for the obvious reasons, and pity because
it would only take some well-directed education to turn these people
into assets instead of liabilities.

I think that's enough ranting :). As for solutions, aside from
expanding one's personal knowledge base, I'm not aware of any
realistic quick fixes for our profession as a whole. Steve McConnell
has written an excellent book on the subject of the future of the
profession of software engineering called "After the Gold Rush". If
Mr. McConnel is correct - and I think he is - we've got a lot of
work to do yet.


Marc Bernard

Doug Holland said:
If anyone knows of any companies developing C# and .NET
who are using UML and Design Patterns let me know.

Is there any other way?


We're heavily using UML (RUP) and Design Patterns for our new development.
So far, so good.


Doug Holland

Yeah dude, ...

I just don't understand why it is so hard for companies
to 'wake up and smell the gravy' ... I personally can
develop a system much faster if I design it first using
Rational XDE, using UML and Design Patterns, ... than I
can if I try and just use the 'hope and pray' methodology
of hoping and praying it all fits together in the end.

- Doug

Doug Holland

Amen brother:

Thanks, that made me laugh this morning...
As a matter of fact, I'm not sure where you are, but I have some friends at
a company . They are Design Pattern nuts over there and
churn out some great stuff.

I checked them out, I'm in California where as they are in
South Carolina ;)

- Doug

Doug Holland

Funny that, I'm working in nearly the exact same situation,
only that 'employee' isn't letting go of the application
and last night over ruled me on a naming issue:

Can you believe he prefers the name of a class 'pkg'
instead of 'Package' because its less to write.

This app is based on IBuySpy, which is questionable in its
architecture in some respects to start with, but since
the 'employee' got hold of it ... dude it sucks!!!

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