Sabrina S.
Whenever the Software Distribution 3.0 update installs, I am no longer able
to open Publisher documents on my computer. Please help.
to open Publisher documents on my computer. Please help.
PA Bear said:[[ @TaurArian only: Sabrina might have company? cf.
http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windowsxp.general/browse_frm/thread/f9dc70246fe7a91b ]
Sabrina, I have xposted this to the Windows Update newsgroup.
Please advise what version of publisher you are using.
Could you please also do a manual scan for Windows Updates and advise
is on the list of updates selected for your computer.
This may assist in tracking down which update may be causing your
PA Bear said:[[ @TaurArian only: Sabrina might have company? cf.
http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windowsxp.general/browse_frm/thread/f9dc70246fe7a91b ]
Sabrina, I have xposted this to the Windows Update newsgroup.
Please advise what version of publisher you are using.
Could you please also do a manual scan for Windows Updates and advise what
is on the list of updates selected for your computer.
This may assist in tracking down which update may be causing your problem.