softpedia web site "caution"


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I would go as far as to say don't use their site ... you risk an intrusive download or two.

Add the site URL to your IE security settings ... * ... :thumb:


You have been warned. ;)
Why's that mucks? I've used them a couple of times and they were ok?
you risk two intrusive downloads ...
Just by visiting ... caution from siteadvisor.

Until they tidy up their act I'll keep telling people to stay away ... there are alternative sites. :)

I have been there to, but I use Linux. :p
Why? Because I am telling the truth? Look at what he says softpedia/softmedia (?!) And what is the source? Siteadvisor? Please! What about Cnet - They do not even bother to mark anything. Do I have to remind you about the claria/gator incident? Or what about bsplayer with the whenusave bundled with it? (go figure! they have removed it only sometime ago from thei db).

Banned for being right? This is what I call being resentful.

Infected software on softpedia is marked accordingly (that's the whole point).
Its the way you said what you said that was the problem - you made a short inflammatory statement without any explanation as to why you thought that way.

You have now provided your argument to back up your statement, so I'm sure a reasoned debate will ensue :thumb:
To be fair, when this thread was started Softpedia was marked red by Siteadvisor, however they have now be mark as orange now, which is obviously better than it was. :)

IonViol, i see going by your i.p that your related to Softpedia, Did you read the reviews in the link ME__2001 posted? HERE

The general opinion is about 50/50 good and bad reviews, thats better than it was about 4 months ago so you must be doing something right!

I have used softpedia a few times myself and never had a problem, but as others have said you do have to watch what you download. But again in fairness to you thats the case all over the internet. :)
Yes I am related with Softpedia. However, I am just an editor, therefore its database is not my responsability.

But I've seen how the Softpedia dudes are working. And believe me, they hate malicious programs as much as anybody else. Thing is everything is at least installed, run and quick scanned (if not thoroughly tested). And even if sometime ago due to the superficiality of some of the people worikng at its database, Softpedia had indeed unmarked malicious software, it is not the case anymore.

Indeed, as a "intended" complete collection of software, the Softpadia database has a sheer number of software from vile developers. But these wares are marked with alert signs and the malicious software is clearly indicated. May I provide you with links to showcase this feature?

Anyway, this is how such note looks like (under the program's description): "This software product was tested thoroughly and was found to contain some third-party components which prevent it from being marked as 100% CLEAN or 100% FREE. Details follow below.

Contains "Webhancer, NavExcel Search Toolbar and ABC Scrabble" "

Furthermore, any ware that is clean is given a clean reward - and Softpedia guarantees for its rewards. Of course, people may have been sloppy in the past. But I strongly believe it is not the case anymore. I am not defending the portal, I am defending something in which I believe: the people that are working there, people that I call friends.

If any of you mates find any sneaky looking wares on Softpedia that were rewarded with the "clean" tag, know that I will throw myself into the sea and never return again (but not before things will be sorted out). :P
IonViol said:
Muckshifter, you really do not know what you are talking about.
I personally do not care what you think ... clean-up the site and remove suspicious downloads, other good download sites have, why not you?

In the meantime I will continue to advise 'extream caution' ... it was you who "bumped" this thread, it was never a 'stickie' and was dieing a natural death.

Thanks for reminding me. :thumb:
Well, as I said, I am not trying to clear Softpedia's name. I was trying to point out that you can't have clean site if you actually want to collect all available software for every OS.

But people who have eyes and use them should notice that sneaky softwares are marked with info like the aforementioned and ones like this:

"This download may include additional applications bundled with the software's installer file. Third-party applications bundled with this download may record your surfing habits, deliver advertising, collect private information, or modify your system settings. Pay close attention to the end user license agreement and installation options.

You are advised to run Ad-Aware or similar programs after installing this product. You can download such programs by clicking here."

Furthermore, I do not find it appropriate to advise people against something that you never actually tried/ seen with your own eyes... It is like saying: do not read gamespot's articles because their editors are paid by the publishers to write positive reviews, therefore you may be tricked into buying games that are far from what they were told to be.
I'm sorry, but people are people and just by storing the download is enough for me, in particular, to advise caution in visiting your site.

Buy your own admission you have "suspicious" downloads ... would it not be simple just to delete them off your database.

This download may include additional applications bundled with the software's installer file. Third-party applications bundled with this download may record your surfing habits, deliver advertising, collect private information, or modify your system settings. Pay close attention to the end user license agreement and installation options.
If this is so, and you know this software contains such nasties, why are you being irresponsible and storing them on your database.

However, I do thank you for once again for bringing it to our attention that anyone visiting your site could download a whole heap of trouble … I really do hope they have the knowledge and tools to clean-up after.

your comment ...
Furthermore, I do not find it appropriate to advise people against something that you never actually tried/ seen with your own eyes...
I think you may have missed my comment ...
I have been there to, but I use Linux.
I use Linux as my primary system to 'browse' the internet ... this particular PC is quite isolated from my Windows PCs, because I do know that it could harbour potential nasties that, cannot infect Linux, but could indeed have some adverse effect on Windows.

Now, I'm getting quite annoyed here and I formally ask you to retract your first statement ...
I have insisted and will insist in blamming and dumping such software from Softpedia. You will probably laugh, we do not support malicious soft and we do not have any relation whatsoever with their developers. Some of them are kept because they are useful and because they can be easily "purged" with windows defender (par example) and used without problem (bsplayer + whenusave, for instance). Other, lots of them, did not make it onto our site (and will never do). And i find it strange for one to surf on the net and dl stuff without using a proper firewall and anti-virus.

Anyway, you do your job and I'll do mine. Keep up the good work. :)
And i find it strange for one to surf on the net and dl stuff without using a proper firewall and anti-virus.
Do you? I don't, I see people every day who have no AV and have no idea what a firewall is.

Name me one operating system, aside from Linux & Vista, that has installed an effective Firewall & Anti-virus program ...

Hmmm, it is becoming obvious to me you do not know what your talking about. :rolleyes:
It is of common sense to use an AV program. Windows Xp has the windows defender if one paid for the licence - a thing that rarely happens these days. One click and you get your win os updated with a fair protection system - anyway enough for one to ward of any softpedian malicious programs. Moreover, almost any desktop/laptop Pc is bundled with an AV software.

it is like driving without fastening seatbelt dude. So I guess I do know what am I talking about. And really, if one still wants to use bsplayer even if it has (REMOVABLE) spyware, what can you do? Pull his sleave? No! Teach him to both protect himself and learn to use infected programs without compromising his OS integrity. The softpedia portal is filled with links towards Av and AS software downloads. It is nobody's fault some people are reckless, but theirs alone. and if they do not get infected by the downloads on SP, there will always be something else: like "free" porn, "free" games and so on. The developers are vile, not the portals that collect their wares.