socketed BIOS

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Bill Schaible

If a MOBO has a socket for the BIOS chip instead of having the chip
soldered directly on the board there is a gizmo called 'BIOS Savior' you can
plug into the socket that allows you to have two BIOS chips you can choose
from by using a switch. I want to use BIOS Savior on the next PC I build.
I was going to use an Intel D865PERL MOBO but I did some asking around (on
eBay) and found that the BIOS chip is soldered on these boards. Some other
Intel boards I asked about also seem to have the chips soldered on instead
of socketed. The ASUS P4P800SE boards I asked about (2 so far) have the
socketed BIOS that I want. But new retail MOBOs are in a bag - so you can't
necessarily see if there's a socket. Therefore I'm asking around some
more - here - to find out about P4P800SE boards and other ASUS boards.
Would any of you mind telling me how the BIOS chip is mounted on your ASUS

Thanks. Bill S.
Bill Schaible said:
If a MOBO has a socket for the BIOS chip instead of having the chip
soldered directly on the board there is a gizmo called 'BIOS Savior' you can
plug into the socket that allows you to have two BIOS chips you can choose
from by using a switch. I want to use BIOS Savior on the next PC I build.
I was going to use an Intel D865PERL MOBO but I did some asking around (on
eBay) and found that the BIOS chip is soldered on these boards. Some other
Intel boards I asked about also seem to have the chips soldered on instead
of socketed. The ASUS P4P800SE boards I asked about (2 so far) have the
socketed BIOS that I want. But new retail MOBOs are in a bag - so you can't
necessarily see if there's a socket. Therefore I'm asking around some
more - here - to find out about P4P800SE boards and other ASUS boards.
Would any of you mind telling me how the BIOS chip is mounted on your ASUS

Of the Intel compatible boards I have in use here, these have socketed BIOS:
P4P800-VM, P4P800-E Deluxe, P4C800-E Deluxe, so I'd guess the whole
P4P800 range does.
Thanks Rob. Thats good info.

Bill S.

Rob Hemmings said:
Of the Intel compatible boards I have in use here, these have socketed BIOS:
P4P800-VM, P4P800-E Deluxe, P4C800-E Deluxe, so I'd guess the whole
P4P800 range does.
If a MOBO has a socket for the BIOS chip instead of having the chip
soldered directly on the board there is a gizmo called 'BIOS Savior' you can
plug into the socket that allows you to have two BIOS chips you can choose
from by using a switch. I want to use BIOS Savior on the next PC I build.
I was going to use an Intel D865PERL MOBO but I did some asking around (on
eBay) and found that the BIOS chip is soldered on these boards. Some other
Intel boards I asked about also seem to have the chips soldered on instead
of socketed. The ASUS P4P800SE boards I asked about (2 so far) have the
socketed BIOS that I want. But new retail MOBOs are in a bag - so you can't
necessarily see if there's a socket. Therefore I'm asking around some
more - here - to find out about P4P800SE boards and other ASUS boards.
Would any of you mind telling me how the BIOS chip is mounted on your ASUS

Thanks. Bill S.

I have an A8N-SLI Premium. It has a socketed BIOS, and I have built
my rig with a BIOS Savior. It works like a charm, but I was unable to
flash it from a bootable floppy for some reason. Using the flash
utility that's built into Asus BIOS chips (called EZ Flash), the BIOS
Savior programmed very nicely, indeed, and it's been working without a
problem for 5 months.

In spite of the fact that the BIOS Savior is still being manufactured
by IOSS in Taiwan, the company, for some unfathomable reason, totally
stopped updating their motherboard-compatibility page about 2 years
ago. Have you gathered from other forums what BIOS Savior model you
could use if this D865PERL does have a socketed BIOS?

Although their list only goes to D845 MOBOs, the D865 MOBOs use the same
chip, the Intel E82802AB which is 3.3v and 4MB therefore I assume it would
be the same Savior model - the PMC4. However the Intel MOBOs do not appear
to have a socketed chip - so I'm thinking of ASUS P4P800SE instead. I
haven't tried figuring the Savior model for that yet.

Have you seen the website called Wim's BIOS ? They have very knowledgable
guys reading and posting there, however they're pretty stingy with their
knowledge. If you don't sound like Einstein they don't want to correspond
with you.

Bill S.