I'm sending data with the socket.send method using a gprs modem.
I've a loop of about 100 records to send and it is transmitted to the server
with no problem.
I've also a loop of about 1000 records and when I send the data some lines
in the output get missed in the server.
I've putted delays between the sends (100ms), it helped but not entirely.
Plus it slows the send procedure.
I've also tried sending a few records at a time (using a delimiter) but more
lines were missed this way.
each line contains 14 characters plus CRLF.
Any suggetions?
I'm sending data with the socket.send method using a gprs modem.
I've a loop of about 100 records to send and it is transmitted to the server
with no problem.
I've also a loop of about 1000 records and when I send the data some lines
in the output get missed in the server.
I've putted delays between the sends (100ms), it helped but not entirely.
Plus it slows the send procedure.
I've also tried sending a few records at a time (using a delimiter) but more
lines were missed this way.
each line contains 14 characters plus CRLF.
Any suggetions?