Socket.ReceiveFrom... EndPoint ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Skybuck Flying
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Skybuck Flying


I am trying to use System.Net.Sockets in Delphi 8 for .NET.

The Socket.ReceiveFrom method has a RemoteEP parameter.

The type of this RemoteEP parameter is a EndPoint class.

The EndPoint class is an abstract class.

( Should I have type: a abstract class or an abstract class ? ;) I would
prefer an abstract class :) )

I am starting to believe that this is a really extraordinary way of passing

I am starting to believe that it actually uses inheritance to pass a
inherited class.

So I am starting to believe that ReceiveFrom will create a IPEndPoint and
pass it via a EndPoint parameter.

So that in the future the socket could also return a IPXEndPoint or
something like that.

Though I am not yet sure.

So my questions are:

1. Does Socket.ReceiveFrom create the RemoteEP instance ?

Looking at the examples I would say: no it does not !

2. Can this instance be of any inherited type ?

Possibly !

3. Does the programmer have to create the instance to pass to the RemoteEP
parameter ?

Looking at the examples I would say: yes !

4. If so what should the type be ?

EndPoint... try to use typecasts if possible.

5. If so how should the type be passed ? since typecasting does not seem to
work ?!

Unknown ?!

Seems like a little issue.

I think it would be better if ReceiveFrom would just create the instance or

I am not sure yet :)

Typecasting like this doesn't work in delphi:

mBytesReceived := mSocket.ReceiveFrom( mReceiveBuffer,
EndPoint(mSourceIPEndPoint) );

Seems like a little issue.
I think it would be better if ReceiveFrom would just create the instance or

Hmm.. normally that would have been a better design... buutttt designing it
like that
could create a performance issue... since lot's of these things would have
to be created.

So I am starting to see why I wants this parameter passed by reference :)

I think I found a way to do it from looking at the examples.

Delphi even has the cleanest solution :)

mSourceEndPoint := mSourceIPEndPoint; // assign it to an abstract class

mBytesReceived := mSocket.ReceiveFrom( mReceiveBuffer, mSourceEndPoint );

I dont think the SourceEndPoint has to be created... it's just a place
holder I think...

Actually when you look at it... it's a bit weird...

Why not use a typecast, that would safe the need for an extra parameter...

Pretty wacky.... I know integer typecasts are possible...

Are class typecasts not allowed ?!?

Or is there some other reason why this source does not compile ?:

// typecast version
mBytesReceived := mSocket.ReceiveFrom( mReceiveBuffer,
EndPoint(mSourceIPEndPoint) );

Actually the more I look at it... the weirder it is.

// assigning a descendant to it's ancestor is allowed.
ancestor := descendat;

// passing a descendant to it's ancestor via a var parameter is not allowed

// prototype:
function something( ancestor ) : integer;

// not allowed ???
something( descendent ) ;

Weird !?

Another crazy example of exceptions.

I set Socket.Blocking to false.

When I call ReceiveFrom a Exception is raised with Error Code 10035.

Winsock Documentation for Error Code 10035: WSAEWOULDBLOCK
Well at least no exception is raised if data is ready to be received.

( If no data available it will raise the exception... a non blocking
could not be completed immediatly )

Reminds me of the quake source :)

This error could easily be ignored...

What is this error code used for when using udp sockets ?

Skybuck Flying said:
Well at least no exception is raised if data is ready to be received.

( If no data available it will raise the exception... a non blocking
could not be completed immediatly )

Reminds me of the quake source :)

Yes this code was ported from the quake source:

// wsa quake bullshit in comments
if ( (bytes = SOCKET_ERROR) {and (WSAGetLastError=WSAEWOULDBLOCK)} ) then
bytes := 0;
result := false; exit;

All SOCKET_ERRORS should return false... not just WSAEWOULDBLOCK :)

That's why I put the WSAEWOULDBLOCK check in comments :)


mSourceIPEndPoint := IPEndPoint.Create( IPAddress.Any, 0 );
mSourceEndPoint := mSourceIPEndPoint; // SourceEndPoint is just a reference
to SourceIPEndPoint ???

mBytesReceived := mSocket.ReceiveFrom( mBuffer, mSourceEndPoint );

writeln('source address: ', mSourceEndPoint.ToString ); // works

writeln('source address: ',
IPEndPoint(mSourceEndPoint).Address.ToString ); // works
writeln('source port: ', IPEndPoint(mSourceEndPoint).Port.ToString ); //

writeln('source address: ', mSourceIPEndPoint.Address.ToString ); // does
not work.
writeln('source port: ', mSourceIPEndPoint.Port.ToString ); // does not
work 0

Those last two lines are quite surprising...

Why doesn't that work ?

Since I think SourceEndPoint is just a reference to SourceIPEndPoint...

So I think the real data is stored in SourceIPEndPoint ?

But apparently not ?

Really weird... not creating SourceIPEndPoint leads to exceptions... so it
is needed !

But when using it it's empty ??? weeeeiird.

"Phil Frisbie said:
He is talking to himself, and I have learned to ignore him as much as I can ;)

Skybuck is why god provides us with killfiles.


[Please don't email posters, if a Usenet response is appropriate.]
Alun Jones said:
can ;)

Skybuck is why god provides us with killfiles.


If you use outlook express you don't need kill files.

Outlook express will automatically delete old message.


Jeremy Collins said:
Who are you talking to?

It's log of my experience with .NET and Sockets.

I am hoping microsoft one day reads it and might improve on it or clearify

Did your brain not grasp that ?


Try it sometime ;)
