Hi I'm created a socket listening on port 1234 (it is shown that this post
is in listening mode if I use NETSTAT). Now Iam trying to connect to this
IPHostEntry entry = Dns.Resolve("localhost");
serverConn = new Socket(entry.AddressList[0].AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(entry.AddressList[0], 1234);
But I get a SocketException that the remotecomputer has denied the
connection request. What could be the cause of this? Both apps running local
and I have no firewall (Win2K).
I tried Accept() in blocking and nonblocking mode on the server but neither
is in listening mode if I use NETSTAT). Now Iam trying to connect to this
IPHostEntry entry = Dns.Resolve("localhost");
serverConn = new Socket(entry.AddressList[0].AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(entry.AddressList[0], 1234);
But I get a SocketException that the remotecomputer has denied the
connection request. What could be the cause of this? Both apps running local
and I have no firewall (Win2K).
I tried Accept() in blocking and nonblocking mode on the server but neither