Socket does not get unbound

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Groeger
  • Start date Start date

Michael Groeger

Hi all,

I am having a strange problem right now. This morning an application
noted, that the address I was trying to bind to is already bound
(System.Net.Sockets.SocketException - Only one usage of each socket
address is normally permitted).

Okay, I know there is a problem with sockets which get net garbage
collected and so never loose there bindings. I closed the application
which normally frees all resources (including bound sockets), but
surprise surprise, the socket was still bound after that (the process
was not visible in Task Manager).

Does somebody know this problem?


commonly the port will be unbound within few seconds(or one min) after you
closed it. In your case ..the port may be locked with any other
application..if you really want to use the same port can use Reuse
options(one kind force to reuse)..