Windows 8 So, you want to know exactly why most folk don't like Windows 8?

Being a person that doesn't want to evolve from using a desktop as their main computing device, I had 0 desire from Windows 8 seeing the screens, and now less than a zero desire for it. We played around with it in the office and one of our system admins (through some wizardry) was able to get it on the domain, but I'm good. I'll stick with Windows 7....
I shall be sticking with Widows 7, XP and OS X Lion and the odd flavor of Linux when I feel like it :D
Myself, I have 4 desktops, The Socket A Win 98 machine isn't online and doesn't really count but other 3 are: main gaming/work machine: Win 7 - best thing ever to escape from Redmond ;) Audio/Video editing machine and also XP exlusive games: Win XP. Goes flakey now and then but still a pretty good OS. Media machine: Vista. I bought it so I'm going to use it. Fortunately media machine doesn't really need speed which is just as well as Vista has the speed of a snail skateboarding through molasses.

I used the trial version of Win 8 and didn't like it from the off but thought I'd make an effort. After spending some considerable time in an effort to like it, I ended up hating it even more.

Win 8 - the 2012 version of Win ME :D

PS: I also regularly mess with Linux Distros, currently using Mint 12 KDE on a regular basis.
Win ME was, err, is, better. :nod:

say :wave: to Windoze 8.

Interesting reading - especially the comments!! I've not tried it properly yet so can't really comment, but surely a key aspect of an operating system is that it is intuitive... which doesn't seem to be the case with Win8.
I didn't read any of the comments but just have - interesting and predictably the usual fanboys getting their noses put out of joint.

Myself, I tried Win 8 for a couple of weeks, really tried to like it, but I didn't, and that's the plain and simple truth. Microsoft have taken what they see as a progressive path by copying OS's made for phones and tablets and appear to have overlooked the fact that the majority of their users will be running desktops.

I wish I did like it as early indications seem to say we'll be able to buy it for peanuts, typically about £35, so it's a shame it is, imo, a bit rubbish.

One point of interest is that I installed Steam folder and the Steam ap within Win 8 and it ran lots of the games perfectly (I didn't try all of them). I didn't use Nvidia drivers as I recall, just used Win 8's native graphic drivers.

So, this isn't just me being anti-Microsoft, this is me giving Win 8 a fair crack of the whip and deciding it really isn't for me.
After reading the article and reading other peoples opinion of Windows 8 I certainly will not be moving to W8, I am very happy with W7 especially after the crap Vista was. My guess is that W8 is like Vista was to W7 and Redmond will bring out something all singing and dancing and works like a dream in 3 years time.
I think you're right bootneck, all Win 7 is is an improved version of Vista after all. Perhaps Microsoft release an OS, charge us lots of money for it, then use us all as non-voluntary beta testers. They take notes and release a version of what it should have been in the first place then charge us money all over again for the privilege.

Which is possibly the case with Win 8. But I dunno. I think maybe Microsoft think most people will just adapt to what they want us to adapt to, for whatever reason. Well I certainly won't, that's for sure, some tried and tested methods, sometimes, just shouldn't be messed with.

Microsoft aren't alone here though, there are now some Linux Distros using interfaces surprisingly and annoyingly similar to Win 8 or 'Metro' as it was once known.

Intel CEO Paul Otellini reportedly told employees in Taiwan that Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system is being released before it is "fully ready."

According to Bloomberg, Otellini also told staffers launching the flagship OS before it is fully baked is the "right move," as Redmond will undoubtedly code improvements after it ships.

"We recently did a large field research study and specifically asked all of our interviewees if they were looking at Windows 8, most laughed. The fact is most enterprises are still trying to get to Windows 7 and few enterprises are ready for Windows 8."

Came across this at another computer forum I frequent, courtesy of Mr Zams:

"Observant software hacker Nadim Kobeissi stumbled upon an interesting observation today while running a network packet analyzer under Windows 8. It appears, by default, Microsoft's latest operating system is sending information to Redmond servers each time a user installs an application."


Article is at Techspot

Original blog article is Here

I also read that that the native, integrated mail program in Windows 8 (The "Metro" one) doesn't support POP3 mail. Make of that what you will...
I'm glad that I bought my laptop with Windows 7 before 8 came out. It was meant for touch not PC.