So Slow

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pascal SIMON
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Pascal SIMON

I have worked on VC6 for several years, and that was ok.
Now, i' m learning .NET framework (C++), and it's sooooo sloooowww when i
run my application (1 tiny exe + 4 tiny DLLs in a single solution) in
Release mode (and much more in Debug mode).
Is it normal ???

My PC is a "AMD K7 1050 Mhz/512 Mo of RAM / 7 Go of freespace (on 70Go)",
but i don't think it comes from here.

Thanx in advance
Pascal SIMON said:
I have worked on VC6 for several years, and that was ok.
Now, i' m learning .NET framework (C++), and it's sooooo sloooowww when i
run my application (1 tiny exe + 4 tiny DLLs in a single solution) in
Release mode (and much more in Debug mode).
Is it normal ???

You should address perf. queries to

Some things are slow, some things are not slow, some things can be improved

Investigating .Net
Is it normal ???

In general, no. You can get acceptable perf in .NET applications for a wide
range of scenarios. There are a few areas of .NET where performance is
significantly worse that unmanaged code (I've seen quite a few complaints on
XSLT), but this is the exception rather than the rule. Start-up times are
generally slower due to the number of DLLs that a .NET application uses, but
this is a once-per-boot hit, as the DLLs are common to all managed apps and
will be reused.

Nick Wienholt, MVP
Maximizing .NET Performance
Sydney Deep .NET User Group
I understand.
In fact, the problem is that it is slow to start, not to run. I wait between
30s and 1 min to see my (very simple) Form appear on the screen.
I see ".Net" loading things, then wait (30 s) then load again, then wait (15
s) then launch my form.
I understand that he needs some things to run/debug, but why it takes so
long ? An idea i have just had, is , that, maybe, there are to many things
in my PATH/directories, and he searches the DLL in the wrong directories at
I'm gonna try this (reogranize), but frankly, i don't beleive everything is

Thanks for your help
In fact, the problem is that it is slow to start, not to run. I wait
30s and 1 min to see my (very simple) Form appear on the screen.

What version of the Framework are you running. There was a problem with 1.0
related to the ASP.NET worker account not being present that caused
excessive delays like this. Try the 1.1 Framework if this is the case, or
add a local account called aspnet.


My version is 1.0.3705.
".Net" says there is no update available for tihs version (i have ".Net SP2"
I'm under Win2000 pro SP4.

I don't remember i have an account called aspnet. I don't perfectly
understand what you mean. Do you say that i need to create a windows account
(like "Admnisstator")called "aspnet" ? That seems quite strange for me.

In parallel, i'm manually downloading v1.1 via Microsoft, and install it by
myself (i though it was automatic). Maybe, all comes from here. I'll tell

I've installed framework 1.1 but it's not seen in VStudio 2002.
That was what i guessed.
So, no change....
It sounds strange, but it works. Just create a MS Windows user account
called ASPNET.

Gosh ! There was a long time i did not open my windows 'Users', and what a
surprise: so many virtual 'users' made by .Net
And ASPNET is already here: The problem does not come from here, but what a
mess !
I quickly close my eyes, saying me 'it's not true, it's not true, it can't
be true...', and blindly close the windows...
My clients would kill me if i was developping such a way...
Incredible... and not really clean, don't you think ?....
:) or :( ? I don't know..

I think i found the problem !!!

This comes from my Internet connection:
- When I'm on Internet (Modem ON), all is slow.
- When OFF, all is all right.

".Net" accesses the Internet, when running. I don't understand why, but here
it is...
I'm just developpeing something local, not on Internet, but it seems i'm the
only one to know that: ".Net" don't....
That's crazy...
