So, I've just had Laser Eye Surgery


Jan 31, 2005
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Just quickly checking in..... :)

So i had Laser surgery on my eyes on Saturday. No more glasses! :D

Dont think i ever mentioned that i used to wear them on here... But i do, i was a +5 in both eyes (longsighted)

Went to the London Vision Clinic in Harley St. Best place to have it done, they are very good and Dr Dan Reinstein really knows his stuff!

Not spending too much time at the PC at the mo, want to rest my eyes as much as i can for now..

Have two sets of drops to put in 4 times a day and have to keep my eyes well lubricated with Blink Intensive - 'Artificial tears' for a month or two.

Going back to work tomorrow as i've been resting my eyes as much as possible lately.

Everything went well, Think my girlfriend was more nervous than i was! lol. The actual procedure, to me anyway, was more fascinating than anything else. Its blade less, so none of that razor blade stuff - much better way to do it. :)

If your wondering, no it doesn't hurt at all, but you can smell a slight burning/toasting smell! I knew what to expect but it was still a bit of a surprise...

Went back for my 24 hour checkup on Sunday, all was good, just a slight irritation in my left eye, which is fixed by a contact lens 'Bandage' (Just a contact lens with no prescription as i understand it)

Anyway, thats it for now, dont want to stare at the pc for too long as i dont want to put any unnecessary strain on them. I'm going to be doing that tomorrow at work, but will be using plenty of BI.

Gotta go back on Wednesday to have the lens removed and a final check, then my next appointment it the end of July.

I'll be checking in more regularly now, will keep you posted. :)
Glad it went well! Hope you rest up and they heal quick :)

It must be a strange feeling having something done to your eyes while you are awake! How long did the process take once you were actually in the operating room?

At one time I was thinking about getting laser eye surgery, but decided against it and just wear contact lenses instead.
The whole procedure on the table was about 5 - 10 mins i think, then they take you to the relaxation room, which is just dimly lighted and you chillout and rest your eyes. You need to keep them closed as much as possible on the day of surgery.

But there is far more to it than that, lots of pre op consultations, tests etc.

This is the guy that did my eyes, if your considering doing it Ian, i can highly recommend them.

You cant put a price on your sight/eyes imo. :)
Wow V_R, great for you to be able to lose the glasses (I frequently curse mine, lol.) I can't believe how quick the procedure was - were you sitting upright for that? Or was it a lying-down job?

Wishing you all the very best and speedy healing. :thumb:
Wow, that's no time at all! Even faster than I thought :)

I've had a read of the surgeons blog and it sounds like he's the mutts nuts when it comes to laser eye surgery :thumb:. I think it will be a while before I'd re-consider surgery, as contact lenses are cheap and work well for now - but I do like the sound of it.
Good to hear V_R, take it easy for now on the mince pies and all will be well :)

I didn't need glasses at all until I was 44 but now I have three pairs - reading, computer and driving. Yes, bifocals have been suggested but I already look old, don't wanna make meself look like a nutty professor as well :D

For that reason (three pairs of glasses) I doubt laser surgery would suit me.
Pal of mine who had really poor eyesight all his life and had very thick lenses in his specs turned up at the pub one night without them. He hadn't told anyone he was going for laser treatment and he looked totally different without the specs.His vision is now superb and he looks weird on old photos. :)

Sure you'll find it all worthwhile, V_R. :thumb:
My suggestion to FBS would be to get varifocals, I had 20/20 vision until my mid 50's as then my sight started to deteriate, it rolls all three sets of glasses into one and they do not look any difference to any other glasses.

As for VR you are a braver man me than me gunga din I hate anyone fiddling around with my eyes. I am glad it all went well with you:D
Great to hear everything went well. I personally did not have the experience but my son had to go through Laser surgery a while back just after he was diagnosed with diabeties. It was very quick and all went well, I was there to observe everything.

I wear spectacles with progressive lenses they are basically trifocals in plain terminology. Lower portion for reading mid for computers and upper portion for driving. I also use clip ons with UV protection and it also polarizes the light, it is recommended that while driving one should wear the brown ones instead of grey ones as the brown ones enhances the vision by saturating the colors.

V_R all you need to do is take it easy for a while and rest your eyes more often. Do not subject it to bright lights. When you watch telly or are working on computers set it up to be on softer less bright setting. You are good to go!:thumb:
I have three pairs, of glasses, hic'

people forget to blink when "playing" on computers, blinking is good. :)

keeping your eyes closed can be detrimental to your health, especially when driving. :cool:

That's the 'beer goggles' excuse out the window then! :D

Glad to hear it went well and was successful! I wore glasses until I was about 15, and have worn contacts ever since. -3.5 and -4.5, right and left respectively.

I have often thought about going for laser surgery when I have enough disposable cash, which is less expensive still when it is considered I spend about £220 a year on contacts!

Only thing that worries me is the health issue, I've often heard people talk about the c word with it which does worry me somewhat. Then again, scientists have now linked the c word with just about everything in the entire world, from peppers to skin cream.

Definitely something I will consider in a few years. Sounds excellent.
were you sitting upright for that? Or was it a lying-down job?

No your lying down, they swing the table between the two lasers (one for creating the flap and one for the actual correction)

Well, it was my first day back to work, was ok, a little hard on my eyes but not too bad. Just need to keep them lubed up.

Getting the bandage lens removed tomorrow, looking forward to that as its getting more and more noticeable now.

Things are looking good though, its still possible that i will need an enhancement later on which is like fine tuning my eyes, as my prescription was quite high and you can only do so much in one go, But that wont be for a while yet.
Oh thanks for explaining. :)

Good luck when they remove the bandage-lens tomorrow (not that I'm thinking you'll need it, just wishing you well, is all.) Sounds like they've done a terrific job, you must be feeling so pleased! :thumb:
Quick update for those wondering....

So, Tomorrow will be a week on. So far things are all good! :D

Vision is fine, eyes starting to feel less tired and dont need to be watered quite so regularly now.

Had to have the lens replaced and continue for another few days, gotta go back on Monday to have it removed again, this time for good, as it was still a little rough on the last check up.

Cant fault the service from LVC, they've been very good the whole time.

Cant believe its been just shy of a week already!!! Time really does fly. :eek:
My sister had eye surgery earlier this year as she had growths on both eyes.
Left eye needed a donor eye so they could cut out growth and re-stich new part in.
Right eye was sorted out with a part of tissue from the back of her own eye.

The main thing is IF she had, had her eyes tested yearly this would have been picked up earlier & surgery may not have been needed. She is fine now though.:D
V_R, glad to hear your eyes are recovering so nicely. :thumb: You must be feeling like a new man already!
Quick update for those wondering....

So, Tomorrow will be a week on. So far things are all good! :D

Vision is fine, eyes starting to feel less tired and dont need to be watered quite so regularly now.

Had to have the lens replaced and continue for another few days, gotta go back on Monday to have it removed again, this time for good, as it was still a little rough on the last check up.

Cant fault the service from LVC, they've been very good the whole time.

Cant believe its been just shy of a week already!!! Time really does fly. :eek:

Happy for you V-R:thumb: