So I was actually gonna install Vista today...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephan Rose
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Stephan Rose

....but apparently Microsoft would like me to not do that?

It appears that my WinXP partition has a problem with its file system.
chkdsk, being dumber than a rock it is, can't even find a problem but I
can find it within less than 10 seconds in the explorer. I have a
directory I can't access, delete, or otherwise modify and it has nothing
to to with security / ownership. I have another set of separate
directories that all point to the identical content...and other weird file
system quirks. Bottom line, it's messed up...and no, it is not a hardware
problem. I have thoroughly tested the drive and it passed all tests
including a complete bad sector scan using the manufacturers diagnostic
boot cd.

So I have two choices since I do need windows occasionally:

- Reinstall XP
- Bite the bullet and install Vista.

Reinstall XP apparently is not an easy option because I have found out,
after some googling, that XP Setup apparently can't handle certain Disk &
partition configurations. They will cause it to freeze when it starts up.
This actually is a problem that has been reported by other people before
it seems. Also seems that my configuration is such a configuration that XP
can't deal with.

Vista apparently isn't an option either though. I'll explain why.

The "upgrade" version is 259.00 for Ultimate. Ok fine, I am willing to pay
that. That's about 60 bucks more than the $199 I've paid in the past for
XP Pro, I can accept that. Since I own about 10 XP licenses, so buying an
upgrade sounds perfectly reasonable to me. However, if I understand things
correctly, I can no longer just insert the XP cd during install time
right? I actually have to have to install it (which I can't easily) and do
an in-place upgrade (which I can't do with the existing install either as
the file system is bad).

So essentially, I don't have a way to install Vista upgrade? Please, if I
am wrong do correct me.

Now I could disconnect all my other hard drives to make things easier for
the WinXP Setup...and hopefully it'll work then. But believe me, if I go
through all that trouble of opening up my system and messing around with
the hardware...just to clean install stays on there.

So the other option, would be the "complete package" at ...come again?
$399.00???? I am supposed to pay an additional $140 for NOTHING more than
a *different* install procedure?? It's not like there is any other
difference between "complete" and "upgrade". That is an over 50% price
increase....sorry, but I'm not willing to waste that much money just so I
can install MS' product.

This is the kind of utterly ridiculous bullshit from MS that just really
pisses me off about them.

2003 Yamaha R6

Stephan Rose said:
Reinstall XP apparently is not an easy option because I have found out,
after some googling, that XP Setup apparently can't handle certain Disk &
partition configurations. They will cause it to freeze when it starts up.
This actually is a problem that has been reported by other people before
it seems. Also seems that my configuration is such a configuration that XP
can't deal with.

What is this? What partition configurations can XP not handle? How did you install it in the first place?

it sounds like you need to re-partition and re-install XP anyway, since you say it's borked.

What is this? What partition configurations can XP not handle? How
did you install it in the first place?

When I installed it in the first place, I had only had hard drive in the
system with nothing on it.

In the meantime however there are multiple hard drives in the system with
a multi-boot setup. The XP Setup cannot deal with that when it goes to
look at the current system configuration. I actually read a thread on a
forum somewhere where some other people were dealing with the exact same
it sounds like you need to re-partition and re-install XP anyway, since
you say it's borked.

The problem is not the XP partition, the problem are the several other
partitions in the system that the Setup can't deal with.

It's not something I can't work around to install XP. I can open up the
system, disconnect all the other drives except the XP drive, install XP
(hopefully), and then go put it all back together.

But if I go through all of that, XP stays on the system. Which is likely
what will happen as I don't feel like paying 140 more to not need to
install XP in order to install Vista.

2003 Yamaha R6

or option 3...restore your backup :-)

I only back up my work data, I don't do complete hard drive image backups.

Size of my data: 1 gig
Size of hard drive image: 320 gigs

Hmmm....yea...I think I'll stick to just backing up data =P

2003 Yamaha R6
