I have got my internet server to work using two NIC's. First card for LAN and second card directly to an ADSL modem
Setup routing by following help etc
The server with the two cards can go onto broadband fine and doesn't hesistate which interface to use
The problem is nobody other than that server can access the internet
I really need a kind of step-by-step approach for connecting to the second card through the LAN
Windows 2000 Server PDC - one NIC / DHCP/ DNS/AD
Windows 2000 Server BDC & Internet Server - two NIC's / RRAS/ LAN and ADSL Access
So close need some help to finalise the settings, i think its just a routing problem. How the hell do you steer clients to go through the LAN and hop from one card to the second card through the Internet Server
Chris Whit
Stirling Technical Engineering Ltd - I.T. Department
I have got my internet server to work using two NIC's. First card for LAN and second card directly to an ADSL modem
Setup routing by following help etc
The server with the two cards can go onto broadband fine and doesn't hesistate which interface to use
The problem is nobody other than that server can access the internet
I really need a kind of step-by-step approach for connecting to the second card through the LAN
Windows 2000 Server PDC - one NIC / DHCP/ DNS/AD
Windows 2000 Server BDC & Internet Server - two NIC's / RRAS/ LAN and ADSL Access
So close need some help to finalise the settings, i think its just a routing problem. How the hell do you steer clients to go through the LAN and hop from one card to the second card through the Internet Server
Chris Whit
Stirling Technical Engineering Ltd - I.T. Department