so-big virus

  • Thread starter Thread starter marci_16269
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please help me i just recieved the so big virus in 3 e-
mails i didnt download cause secuirity told me it was in
the attachments can you please tell me what to do with it
now how do i dispose of it help asap.thank you.
I understand that if you don't open it, it doesn't infect
your computer, but at least your security system is
blocking the files so they won't open so you probably
arent' infected. The hard part is stopping getting the
emails. One of our employees gets 30 to 60 a day, and the
8 of us get none, and we're on the same server. But she
is not actually infected. We just delete the email, and
empty the deleted mail file, and so far the pc still
shows clean on a scan. Not much help I guess. I still
don't know how to stop the emails from filling up the
inbox, and haven't found any advice on that yet.