Snychronizing Forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shiner452
  • Start date Start date


This may be one for the experts. On a form, I would like to be able t
pull up a record or a list of records from a table so I may edit them
For example...we grow Begonias here (a type of flower) I want to pul
up on a form all the records of all the begonias we grow so I can edi
their data. I know I can pull up the records through a query specifyin
criteria with a form but I cant edit them in a table if I do it tha
way. I want to be able to make changes to the table. I was planning o
making a form and then a subform where you pick the criteria on a for
and the subform displays all the records for that criteria in a
editable fashion. Any ideas
This may be one for the experts. On a form, I would like to be able to
pull up a record or a list of records from a table so I may edit them.
For example...we grow Begonias here (a type of flower) I want to pull
up on a form all the records of all the begonias we grow so I can edit
their data. I know I can pull up the records through a query specifying
criteria with a form but I cant edit them in a table if I do it that
way. I want to be able to make changes to the table. I was planning on
making a form and then a subform where you pick the criteria on a form
and the subform displays all the records for that criteria in an
editable fashion. Any ideas?

Base a Form on the Table. In the Form's Header put a combo box
selecting the plant type. Filter the form by the selection in the

You're saying "I can't edit them in a table" - why would you WANT to
edit them in a table? If the Form is bound to the table, edits made on
the Form are made in the Table. This is true even if the Form is
filtered, or if it's based on a Select query.

I think you're making something easy into something difficult, and I'm
not sure I see what you're having trouble accomplishing!