Aahh nice, looks just as if someone has been busy sifting icing sugar over the garden Isn't it amazing how those delicate little snowdrops can bloom despite harsh conditions, when other, more robust plants turn brown and wilt Of course, the crocuses and daffies are pretty brave too
I couldn't help noticing that you've got an earthenware jar/pot there, just like the one I have, which used to belong to my Nan - she always used her's for storing block salt cut into chunks for cooking.
As for "The Thinker" - the poor guy is probably wondering why someone doesn't give him a blanket
Blimeny . Its green where I am with just a dusting of snow . You can see luverly white mountains all around though . Hadn't realised it was that thick on the tops though .
Snow looks it's going to miss Somerset tonight, but it's very cold.
Was up on the Quantocks walking today & you could see the grey snow clouds drifting across to Dorset.
Wanted snow for the morning in Devon.