Snow thank you !


Sep 30, 2005
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or I'' go stick my head up my bum.

First time I want to use me camera and the batteries are dead, so are the backups.

Pics taken at 9.30 pm after I dropped of me Tuesday Girls, finishing at Chapel Stile in the Langdales.

I were that gutted I went an got drunk at the Golden Rule. Yeah yeah I know you shouldn't drink and drive but I only had three pints of XB an I only saw one car on the way home.





Yada yada yada don't judge me too harshly, I would put me car in a ditch rather than hurt anyone, an me reflexes are still 99% an obviously me brain is still working if I can manipulate pics and post. :p

P.S. Don't let Postil see this, he may have friends up here.


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Abarbarian said:
me brain is still working if I can manipulate pics and post. :p

You did all this WHILST you were driving?

Golden Rule = nice friendly pub. :thumb:
Abarbarian said:
Yada yada yada don't judge me too harshly, I would put me car in a ditch rather than hurt anyone, an me reflexes are still 99% an obviously me brain is still working if I can manipulate pics and post.
lol? You say that yet you failed to notice the size of the border you manipulated on to the pics? :/

V_R said:
lol? You say that yet you failed to notice the size of the border you manipulated on to the pics? :/


The black border was intentionally inserted for artistic effect highlighting the white of the snow. :p
In 1983 I was breathalysed coming home from a gig I'd done in Ilford.

I was banned all of 1984, rightly so, I suppose.

It inconvenienced me greatly and my Insurance premium went sky high.

I have never drunk and drove since.

I don't want to sound like some do-gooder but it really is not worth drinking and driving.

You may have all the intentions of putting the motor into a ditch to avoid hurting anyone but truth is your reflexes will be impaired by the alcohol and those couple of seconds you lose in failing to grasp the situation may mean you plough into the side of the idiot's car who has pulled out in front of you, crushing the side of their vehicle and also their 15 month old child strapped into a baby seat in the back of their car.

My goodness, so much blood from one toddler, who would have believed it?

They bury their child in a casket two feet long and you are sued and have to make payments the rest of your life.

I don't often get righteous on folk but drink driving - no excuse.
floppybootstomp said:
I don't often get righteous on folk but drink driving - no excuse.

And the rest of the world should take the same sort of stance as South Africa does with drink drivers..

For driving 'under the influence' or with a blood-alcohol level of 0,05g per 100ml or more, a person may be fined up to R120,000 for drink driving(OLL), + R180,000 for culpable homicide!

Note the "Culpable Homicide" bit ? You can have that added to your fine/offence even if you didn't even crash/kill anybody because of your drunk driving. Prison is also a great place for punishment. I think since 1983 where law was passed a drink driver can get life about 15 people have been given life sentances fro drink driving in SA..And life over there is none of this namby pamby see you in 12 years..Life means to the death, you will never see the free world again. And since we have had such strong laws, drink drive related offences have dropped some what...
I been thinking about this.

Apart from the damage a drunk driver may cause to others, the drunk driver is also leaving himself wide open.

One little scrape, not your fault, old bill are called.

They breathalyse you as a matter of routine.

If you fail the test the other person in the accident wins the claim, regardless of who's fault it is.

And you'll get at least a year's ban and a huge fine.

Not worth it.

Yes, maybe we do live in a Police State, but this ain't Texas, or Bagdhad for that matter, and rules are made with good cause.

When I was younger, I drove blind. I guess I was lucky, I suppose, until 1983 anyway.

Those who say 'Actually, I drive better when I've had a few' deserve no less than a smack in the mouth.

Because you don't.

Computer gaming.

Online computer gaming.

For an old git I play quite well at start of evening.

By 23:00 hours, fuelled by booze, I play pretty much like shyte.

And that tells me that even 3 pints can make a difference.

Look, I love a drink (you guessed? lol) but propelling almost a ton of metal in an enviroment where humans walk and drive when your judgement is impaired is just not on.

I know, I'm getting old. But age brings wisdom, mostly, and I speak truth here.
floppybootstomp said:
Yes, maybe we do live in a Police State, but this ain't Texas, or Bagdhad for that matter, and rules are made with good cause.

Did I hear Texas? Were you thinking of me???? :D

Yes I need to give my input here, I do not drink any alcohal and I have seen with me own eyes on the freeways of Houston what nobody should see. I am not even sure there are any rules to be followed here, its taken too lightly, putting up signs on the freeways about drink driving has had no effect on the general population, more strict laws/bigger fines are what is required.

The worst time to be driving around on these roads here is on friday nights and Saturday nights, I avoid driving as much as possible if I can.

Let's hope sanity prevails everywhere.
They breathalyse you as a matter of routine.

If you fail the test the other person in the accident wins the claim, regardless of who's fault it is.

And you'll get at least a year's ban and a huge fine.

And, your insurance becomes invalid. That means you may have to fork out for the other guy's car repairs and God knows what else.
floppybootstomp said:
Look, I love a drink (you guessed? lol) but propelling almost a ton of metal in an enviroment where humans walk and drive when your judgement is impaired is just not on.
Words of wisdom.

Look... I appreciate the logistic problems associated with rural pub crawls. But there is a solution. There is a GREAT solution, in fact. It's the good old a-girl-in-every-port-solution. OK, so you drink beer, not port... needs a minor modification, that's all.



Urmas -not affiliated with or endorsed by Bonk Business Inc.
What Flops said.

I cant stand drink drivers....
Drink driving points duly noted

At least my post generated an early warning about the dangers of drink driving for the upcoming christmas season.

I'm going to concentrate my efforts on Urmas's solution in future. :D An Port an Lemon is one of my favourite winter drinks so I may be in with a chance
Floppy you speak words of widom,learned at a price.

I`ve never ever been drunk in my life.But that is not to say I don`t drink. I do like a glass of wine with my meal,but only at the week end,but only one glass no more. As for driving with drink inside me never. But now it`s not only drink,it`s also drugs people take.How stupid can folk be.
I almost felt sorry for Abarb here, lol, he was honest but touched a nerve, particularly with me ;)

Still, no regrets for my views, I want to live as long as I can. Don't need no drunk ploughing into me.

Historian: Drugs? I guess you're right, I must admit I probably wouldn't be capable of driving on some of the stuff I've taken in my dim and distant past. It would be really hard to work out traffic light colours on mescalin for instance ;)
floppybootstomp said:
I almost felt sorry for Abarb here, lol, he was honest but touched a nerve, particularly with me ;)

Still, no regrets for my views, I want to live as long as I can. Don't need no drunk ploughing into me.

Historian: Drugs? I guess you're right, I must admit I probably wouldn't be capable of driving on some of the stuff I've taken in my dim and distant past. It would be really hard to work out traffic light colours on mescalin for instance ;)

Never drove on mescalin but I did drive on LSD and Mushrooms And Flygarics way back in the day. The lights of London did look pretty cool.
