SNMP retry parameters

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jackie Pang
  • Start date Start date

Jackie Pang

Hi group,

Would appreciate any pointers to how one can control the
timeout and retry behavior of SNMP manager in Windows 2000
Pro. By using snmputil.exe and observing on the network,
we learned that an SNMP request would time out and be
retried 3 or 4 times, before an error is returned to

I looked at the obvious places in the registry but failed
to find any tunable settings. Anyone knows?

Thanks much.

- Jackie
Unfortunately there isn't a timeout to increase in snmputilt. From what I
can tell the tool is hard coded to a timeout. Normally SNMP wouldn't timeout
as it's UDP and small. Is the network chatty or are we dropping frames?

Best regards,
Brian Oakes, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support
Windows 2000 Server Networking Team

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